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Forums - General Discussion - What kind of Reputation does the User hold above you

Gamer who thinks he is cool so I guess hes cool .....rite


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OT: likes to argue with me a lot and likes bashing me



STOP ARGUING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Participates in random threads and as far as I have seen stayed out of the system wars.

OT: likes to bash me

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Gets bashed.....A LOT


is fair toward me

Haha, my bad ferret for the assumption, fair play to you :)



Ot: the nicest person on vgchartz:)

Its kinda funny to spam to prove you're nto spamming...

Exactly what you are doing in this thread is what the others were getting at Wiiforever, you treat threads as conversations face to face, filling in the gaps with whatever strikes you at that moment.
You're not spamming on purpose, its rather a case of being oblivious to the fact that some might consider that kind of posting spamming!

@MrMarc; doesn't post a lot, but seems fair and reasonable when he does. Post more, man!

Edit: Wiiforever; your post count went up by 5 while I typed this very post, that's just not normal...