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Forums - General Discussion - What kind of Reputation does the User hold above you

^no - I'm just pointing out that u should be bashing them and NOT ME!

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Enjoys to post on VG Chartz despite all the criticism he gets...

MrMarc said:

ferret1603 - Whilst correct in his statements, is only encouraging the spammish behaviour himself in continuing to debate with him. Maybe this has a slight reek of hypocrisy to it? Self contradiction?

Who knows, either way, from the signature alone, he's defo got an old school gamer vibe about him, he knows the good stuff, 8 - 64 bit generations, I like!

EDIT: Yes, edit, not a new post. There were 4 additional posts made whilst writing this, one by the Wii guy! Yikes!


He is a she :-p

And yeah you're right I probably am just encouraging him He appears to be of such low intelligence that I'd probably get more logical and thought out responses from my dead hamster.

^maybe u should stop then
OT: likes to bash me

Are we witnessing the prelude to the

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

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Who was that "bash me" thing for??/ mee?????

@w!!forever hates me b. he thinks that i bash him but really i'm just expressing my feelings

also hates my buddyz pichu_pichu and kirby007

guys, he can't spam if you don't respond here. The Thread is dead anyways.

ferret1603 said:
MrMarc said:

ferret1603 - Whilst correct in his statements, is only encouraging the spammish behaviour himself in continuing to debate with him. Maybe this has a slight reek of hypocrisy to it? Self contradiction?

Who knows, either way, from the signature alone, he's defo got an old school gamer vibe about him, he knows the good stuff, 8 - 64 bit generations, I like!

EDIT: Yes, edit, not a new post. There were 4 additional posts made whilst writing this, one by the Wii guy! Yikes!


He is a she :-p

And yeah you're right I probably am just encouraging him He appears to be of such low intelligence that I'd probably get more logical and thought out responses from my dead hamster.

 actually, I have an IQ if 138 and I bet I could beat ur dead hamster in math, English, Social studies, science, u name it!!!! and I am a male - shows ur reading skills pfffttt...



his rep is Mr. South Park

wiiforever said:
ferret1603 said:
MrMarc said:

ferret1603 - Whilst correct in his statements, is only encouraging the spammish behaviour himself in continuing to debate with him. Maybe this has a slight reek of hypocrisy to it? Self contradiction?

Who knows, either way, from the signature alone, he's defo got an old school gamer vibe about him, he knows the good stuff, 8 - 64 bit generations, I like!

EDIT: Yes, edit, not a new post. There were 4 additional posts made whilst writing this, one by the Wii guy! Yikes!


He is a she :-p

And yeah you're right I probably am just encouraging him He appears to be of such low intelligence that I'd probably get more logical and thought out responses from my dead hamster.

actually, I have an IQ if 138 and I bet I could beat ur dead hamster in math, English, Social studies, science, u name it!!!! and I am a male - shows ur reading skills pfffttt...

 Lol! I'm putting that in my signature! And if you'd actually bothered to read the thread you'd know I was talking about myself being female not you.