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Forums - Sony Discussion - Proof that the site is seriously undertracking PSP games in Others !!!

ioi said:
To be fair, PSP is probably most cruelly represented with the current system, only 4 games from ~500 are counted (granted most of them are selling 1-2k per week).

Personally, I'd take all the current software totals, times them by something like 1.5 then add a couple of hundred thousand and you should be getting close. The "others" market is about as large as America so totals should be similar for the two.

This is the reason why I don't keep running totals of total software sold, the figures would be misleading until we have more data in the database.

Thanks , you saved me for the second time :) If my word means s**t to you ( I understand ) , than iois should count at least mean something .

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