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Why does it itch the more that I scratch it?

Around the Network

because it does

why is there life on earth?

For answer to that question, See God.

Why can't people drink salt water?


cause itll kill them

if peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, then how many picked peppers did peter piper picked?


why is there salt in the oceans?

Around the Network

Because I put it there.

Who's your daddy?

I drink your milkshake.

I AM! Yeah. That's right. Through the miracle of time travel, I'm my own daddy.

Does that freak you out, or just disgust you?

it disgusts me!
why is the wii "casual"?

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!

bet with *no one yet* that the combined first week of Monster Hunter 3 in america and europe will be 600k or more! winner changes looser sig and avatar for two months!

because it left its formal attire at home

How do birds fly?

with wings.

Do you love me?