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They....will be disappointed.

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Why does someone with a Fox avatar main Wolf and Lucas? 

Because a Smash player has to be well rounded, and besides, he mains Fox as well anyway...

Was my explanation too long-winded?

My Wii Friend Code is: 6458-0869-2019-9754

Also, my 3DS Friend Code is: 1891-1193-6272

And my Pokemon White Friend Code is: 2408-6863-8559

PM me with your corresponding code if you Friend me!


you dident see the lil green light

why arent keyboard key's alphabatical?

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Because that would be confusing. LOL

Do you consider Game Informer a reliable periodical for gaming news?

My Wii Friend Code is: 6458-0869-2019-9754

Also, my 3DS Friend Code is: 1891-1193-6272

And my Pokemon White Friend Code is: 2408-6863-8559

PM me with your corresponding code if you Friend me!

No, PM: TTYD got a 6.5, which is terrible.
Will you buy a black wii when it is avaiable?

Nope, already have a white one... Sorry.

Is there any such thing as a reliable gaming periodical, and, if so, what is its name?

My Wii Friend Code is: 6458-0869-2019-9754

Also, my 3DS Friend Code is: 1891-1193-6272

And my Pokemon White Friend Code is: 2408-6863-8559

PM me with your corresponding code if you Friend me!


Why didn't Words of Wisdom also mention the fact that I also main Falco and Diddy?

(Fox, Wolf, Lucas, Diddy, and then Falco are my mains in order) 

Because Words of Wisdom went on an Ad-Blocking spree one day and apparently only Ad-blocked half the stupid Brawl characters and not all of them.

Why do people need full images of their Brawl mains in their signature and not just names?