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Because he is weird

WHy is black


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It's depressing

What i'm I thinking?

Good to see this site is still going 

i DIdn't ask you that !!

how old do you think mario is??

EDIT i was late  .. damn

Mario is like 50 already, his knees must be so screwed by now ... for all that jumping ... 

and let's not talk about his head with all that hiting blocks 

what kind of movies do you like ?

-- Live only for tomorrow, and you will have a lot of empty yesterdays today--

 Tavin:  "Old school megaman is THE BEST megaman"      courtesy of fkusumot :)

My mind has changed. My strength has not.    Kamahl, Fist of Krosa


Do u eat?

Around the Network

Wow, did he stop the cycle??^^(very late)

ate a burger u? 

romance archetype !!!! @tavin

who thinks this thread goes way too fast!!!????



Can't keep up! 

Good to see this site is still going 

Ok so blue is black so

Red is white why?


why not?
y not?