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Forums - General Discussion - Ask A Random Question, Answer the one above you

Fry IS his last name, his first name is Phillip his middle name starts with a J. (don´t know what it is)


EDIT: Late

Duh his mom.

Whats you favorite smell (not cinnabons thats taken) 





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z--since numbers are poointless

what is zoidbergs first name?


What question should I answer?



Whats the best (eddible) part of a chicken ? 




the legs

Favorite crappy game?

Around the Network

How about the question above you? That would be a start, right?

SlumsofOhio said:
What question should I answer?

 good question, just go for it, this game is pretty fast at the moment




pichu_pichu said:
the legs

Favorite crappy game?

Superman 64

Can I be your friend?



Anybody else looking for friends here? 




Guess not.
How is the weather?