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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NintenDomination - Sorry VGC, But Your Thread Is In Another Castle


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JEMC said:
Nice drawing but... did you die a lot? Link looks pissed off .

that was on purpose XP something tells me i will never draw something as good as this ever again XD

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eh, the WiiU was adjusted down to 36k? i though it was 60k?

MohammadBadir said:
eh, the WiiU was adjusted down to 36k? i though it was 60k?

What, on the homepage? That's quite the change!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Salnax said:
spurgeonnintendoryan said:
Was there not a Wii U versoin of CoD Ghosts? My Walmart does not have it.

I want people to post like cool achievments of their own too. Like just doing something amazing in a game and seeing if they can imitate it or do better.

Nice Job ConeyG. I was right about you and now everyone sees.

There is a version of it. The gaming press just seems to be completely ignoring it.

Well, My Walmart has a placeholder for it, but we are stil waiting for them to put it up. They wasted no time getting Zumba Wii U up though....

I will probably just get it on Amazon like I will get most of my upcoming Wii U games new. I will not have my wii U until I pay off my layaway anyways. But it is kind of lame that others have to wait in my area. Unless they go to gamestop I am sure.

Oh God! I can barely scroll through the front page. Lol at my title.

So what is up with this John Lucas thread. Is it even on topic anymore? And why does he keep messaging me?

Anyone download the two new 3DS demos? I need a new SD card since Pokemon X took up most of my space.

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Pikmin 3 Battle Mode DLC

TheKingofRedLions said:

Pikmin 3 Battle Mode DLC

Doesn't look too bad actually. Should really get round to finishing the game really...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

IsawYoshi said:

Also, a question to you guys, does Nintendo have a lot of TV commercial in your country? I haven't seen a Nintendo commercial in Norway since the launch of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky, and it seems like the awarness for anything Nintendo here is next to none. :(

Agree, Nintendo's marketing in Norway (probably all Nordic countries as well as the other smaller countries in Europe) has been terrible as far as I can remember. All I know is that it's even worse in Poland where Nintendo has no presence at all, it has no official distributor: (Haven't figured how to change URLs to more headline-like text yet)

They don't only do minuscule advertising, only the biggest countries like UK, Germany, France and so on has Club Nintendo and fully localised stuff. The only Nintendo box art I've ever seen which included Norwegian text on the cover was Wii Sports which was bundled...

Of course, Europe has a lot more languages and stuff to localise than North America, but that hasn't stopped Sony localising everything, every game, since the PS1.


Wow, that Mario disc is pretty sweet!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

kekrot said:

IsawYoshi said:

Also, a question to you guys, does Nintendo have a lot of TV commercial in your country? I haven't seen a Nintendo commercial in Norway since the launch of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky, and it seems like the awarness for anything Nintendo here is next to none. :(

Agree, Nintendo's marketing in Norway (probably all Nordic countries as well as the other smaller countries in Europe) has been terrible as far as I can remember. All I know is that it's even worse in Poland where Nintendo has no presence at all, it has no official distributor: (Haven't figured how to change URLs to more headline-like text yet)

They don't only do minuscule advertising, only the biggest countries like UK, Germany, France and so on has Club Nintendo and fully localised stuff. The only Nintendo box art I've ever seen which included Norwegian text on the cover was Wii Sports which was bundled...

Of course, Europe has a lot more languages and stuff to localise than North America, but that hasn't stopped Sony localising everything, every game, since the PS1.

Norwegian text doesn't bother me that much, but it would have helped if Nintendo showed more effort here. Club Nintendo is a soar spot, seeing america get FREE download games each month makes me mad, but mostly sad. :(