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Shovel knight is supposed to be a really good megaman / duck tales like game.

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blackjackk said:
I saw that analysis. It doesn't make the game any more complete.

The game has been in development since 2011, so I'm not entirely sure if a delay is likely. Besides, when you have multiple Nintendo execs claiming 2015 is a definite thing, I'd be surprised if it then managed to slip into 2016. Would be a shame if it did though.

I'm fairly sure execs from any developer will stick to their planned release date up until they delay it.

blackjackk said:
I'm fairly sure execs from any developer will stick to their planned release date up until they delay it.

True, but we had this same type of situation around the release of Smash Bros. Wii U as well. People thought there was a chance for a delay, but it ended up shipping on time in the end. Zelda U is a very important title for Nintendo, so no doubt there's a lot of pressure to release it on time. Obviously there's always a chance for a delay, just saying its more likely not to be at this point from my perspective.

I think there's a huge difference in scope between something like smash brothers and zelda. I don't know what you're basing your assumption on. From what I saw the game looks no where near complete. Hell, ffxv looks further along and no one seriously expects that to come out next year. this year I mean haha 

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The same basis that you're making assumptions on. We don't know for sure, we're just guessing, that's kinda the point isn't it? :/

Zelda has another year of development left as well, and we have no idea how much information Nintendo is holding back from us. I don't think they would use up all of their footage on an event so far away from E3 anyway, the stuff we saw at The Game Awards was just a little taste to hold fans over until E3 comes around.

Again this is just how I see it, and obviously there's always a chance to be wrong. We're still at the beginning of 2015 with a good chunk of time left for Nintendo to work on the game. We can make a better judgement on whether or not it looks finished when they show it off at E3.

blackjackk said:
DarkRPGamer007 said:
So how much was Wii U undertracked by? I hope Nintendo releases official numbers and says it's above 10m, that'd be awesome!

Lol not Going to happen. It'll be 9.0 maybe 9.2 million shipped according to Nintendo s quarterly numbers.

Ik just said I'd like it


RIP Iwata 12/6/1959-7/11/2015

Thanks for all the great memories!

cycycychris said:
blackjackk said:
First of all it's Project Giant Robot and Guard and again they aren't games, they're just concepts most likely going to be incorporated into other games or not at all.

Sorry, but they are real games. Nintendo has listed them on there official release schedule at the investor meetings. With there projected release windows.

Nope. Show me this. All they've ever said is that they're concepts.

cycycychris said:
blackjackk said:
cycycychris said:
blackjackk said:
First of all it's Project Giant Robot and Guard and again they aren't games, they're just concepts most likely going to be incorporated into other games or not at all.

Sorry, but they are real games. Nintendo has listed them on there official release schedule at the investor meetings. With there projected release windows.

Nope. Show me this. All they've ever said is that they're concepts.

go to the 6th page. They are listed as releasing under every territory.

They're also listed as "temp". They've never said they're actual games and Miyamoto himself hinted at a link between them and starfox

"Today, I’m only answering questions about the Star Fox games. But, there will be multiple different kinds of missions in the Star Fox games, so maybe something like that could appear. And I think the robot that came down from the helicopter is the same robot that you were shooting in the security game."


And this "For instance, the security cameras in Project Guard are emblazoned with a Star Fox logo, while the robots exiting the helicopter vehicle in Star Fox are similar to the robots players destroy in Project Guard."


Not to mention that on their own they're little more than mini-games anyways.

Just a quick question. I just saw a video of Yahtzee's top 5 and he mentioned that there is no story mode in SSBU. Is that true? Is there nothing like the adventure mode in Melee?

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.