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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 numbers were fine in Germany, now they are undertracked! (my opinion ba

The quote was not written by GfK it was from some mis-informed article.

However if you are correct why are you not complaining about Wii/360 now being too low? after all those two numbers also follow the same rule that GfK reports (as always) numbers that are extrapolated.... this means whichever way you look at it, the PS3 has not passed the sales of 360

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It would only be fair if the 360 numbers dive down 100.000 if the PS3 did aswell, if youre going according to the numbers of the article.

Right now it looks distastefull that the PS3 got the dirt and the 360 didn't.

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.


The GfK German LTD were:
Wii - 730k
PS3- 309k
360- 384k

For week ending Dec 30th VGC has:
Wii - 758k
PS3- 321k
360- 399k If you would care to work out the percentage differences they are 3.8% for both PS3 and Wii, and 3.9% for 360

I looked at various sources, Heise online is a high profile German news service. They all claim the same (80% of real data):

Heise online:

"Umsatzes vor dem Fest; da die GfK laut der Zeitung gut 80 Prozent der Vertriebskanäle abdeckt, liegen die endgültigen Zahlen etwas höher als von den Marktforschern berichtet."

"Laut GfK hat Sony von März bis Dezember 2007 insgesamt 309.000 PS3 verkauft. Das sei mehr als doppelt so viel wie Microsoft mit der Xbox 360 im gesamten Vorjahr geschafft hat."

They claim more than double the 360 sales than the 360 sold the entire previous year (meaning 2007 according to CeBit news). 56.000 360s vs 136.000 PS3s for the christmas 2007 period (80%).

"Ca. 80% des Marktes decken die GfK-Daten ab und zeigen somit einen recht realistischen Trend der Verkaufszahlen."

"Mit ihren Zahlen zum Konsolenmarkt deckt die GfK leider nur gut 80 Prozent aller Vertriebskanäle ab. Die tatsächlichen Verkäufe liegen deshalb etwas höher."

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

TWRoO said:

The GfK German LTD were:
Wii - 730k
PS3- 309k
360- 384k

For week ending Dec 30th VGC has:
Wii - 758k
PS3- 321k
360- 399k If you would care to work out the percentage differences they are 3.8% for both PS3 and Wii, and 3.9% for 360

I may be mistaken but I was almost sure the numbers quite lower.

Anyway this is what Im seeing in the total sales to date:

PS3 : 350,998

360 : 418,882

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

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Guys - ioi would *only* update numbers when information comes to light that is more accurate than the data he has used in the past.

Hence *every* update - whether it increases or decreases the numbers for your favourite console - are almost certainly a good thing (in terms of accuracy).

If you find a valid source that has different numbers - just forward it to ioi.

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

So going by Heise's data:

309K + 61.8K (20%) is a little over 370K PS3s for 2007 in total. Then you will have to add 5 weeks worth of sales for 2008 to come to the current figure (likely the sales ratio of PS3 vs 360 remained more than 2:1).

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

@MikeB... Try checking VGC.... Christmas period (I used 9 weeks ending 30th Dec but they might mean 8 weeks)
PS3 - 142k
360 - 59k

There are only two possible answers to this, either all three consoles are pretty much spot-on with GfK, or perhaps all 3 need to be increased 20%, but considering that GfK themselves have not stated anything about only reporting 80% (rather they always claim to track 80% and people then assume they only report that)

@rukusa again.... Go to the sales forum and find the German GfK thread (should be page1) the 360 is 384k LTD by end of December according to GfK.

@MikeB again.... You still seem to be only using PS3, What the F*^k is wrong with everyone.... see my post with all the numbers... like I said just two possible outcomes, those being ioi is now spot on, OR 20% low for all of Germany, which would only be true if GfK themselves told us they only report the 80%, which is unlikely (only articles written by others have claimed this, GfK merely notes that they only track 80% to make sure everyone knows they are not accurate)

More relevant quotes: (not related to the current sales):

"GfK Media Control ermittelt wöchentlich die Verkaufszahlen von rund 2.000 Verkaufsstellen in Deutschland (ca. 80% des Marktes), die genauen Zahlen werden allerdings nur an zahlende Kunden weitergegeben und dürfen nicht im Internet, o.ä. veröffentlicht werden."

This quote makes you wonder, does VGChartz have access to the full report or rely on the freely available online data?


"Die GfK deckt mit ihren Zahlen zum Konsolenmarkt gut 80 Prozent aller Vertriebskanäle ab. Die tatsächlichen Verkäufe liegen daher etwas höher."

The Heise report in English:

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales