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Forums - Sony Discussion - Hype Meter: PS3

WTF? I thought I already commented in this thread!

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Give the guy a break. He's trying to get it to work.

Killzone 2 is the best

I'm always excited about a FF game.

Friend Code : 2878 - 9590 - 0767




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Heres a hype meter for u, the PS3 will have like 2 more good unique games, and a bunch of multiport games that i would rather play of the 360, the PS controller has always sucked and still does, and i can say that cause i have owned every sony system, and i was only impresed with the Ps1 and 2. ( and thats casue of the games, the console itself sucked, but with the PS3, the console sucks and so do the games)

shhh.....your sony hate has no place in this PS3 hype meter thread.

OT: There should be another hype level than #1...even"I'd kill your mother for this game if they gave me a finished version and permission to play it in jail"


u have to make some account?

It was a tough call, but MGS4 beat out LBP for my #1:

MGS4 - #1 hyped game
LittleBigPlanet - A must have
Resistance 2 - Will most likely buy
Killzone 2 - Will most likely buy
FFXIII - Might buy, will wait and see (I've heard FFXII was only so-so, and I'm still new to the JRPG scene)
GT5 - Meh
Motorstorm 2 - Meh

If White Knight Story and Valkyrie of the Battlefield had been on the list, I would've picked "will most likely buy" for both.

1.)White Knight Story

I seriously might go the entire year buying only that 1 game for the PS3.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!