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Forums - Sales Discussion - USA Pre-Order Charts, October 19th

XxGame4lifexX said:
CGI-Quality said:
XxGame4lifexX said:
CGI-Quality said:
XxGame4lifexX said:

Killzone SF

Forza 5
KI (yes they will release a retail game)
EDIT: oh and crimson dragon i believe

As far as i understand PSN only games can't be tracked in terms of sales.
Less retail games means more pre-orders......its simple.

I was just pointing out as to why people keep saying Killzone SF has more pre-orders than xbox one games. There is the answer. 

Could also be that more people want Killzone than any of the games you mentioned. Could be. Plus, how do you explain higher multiplat sales on PS4? 

Not everybody is moving to next gen. Most of the multiplatform games have higher pre orders on xbox 360 over any other platform. 

Which completely ignores my question.

Why do multiplats have higher pre orders on ps4 than xbox one?

Simple.....gamers are choosing current gen more over next gen.

People are going with the xbox 360 version over xbox one versions. 

Just look at the charts....

xbox 360 versions are higher

question answered.

Now you're assuming everyone that has a 360 will be buying an X1. But these charts are somewhat useless. I'd rather just wait to see the sales when the consoles come out.




Around the Network
iceboy151 said:
XxGame4lifexX said:
CGI-Quality said:
XxGame4lifexX said:
CGI-Quality said:
XxGame4lifexX said:

Killzone SF

Forza 5
KI (yes they will release a retail game)
EDIT: oh and crimson dragon i believe

As far as i understand PSN only games can't be tracked in terms of sales.
Less retail games means more pre-orders......its simple.

I was just pointing out as to why people keep saying Killzone SF has more pre-orders than xbox one games. There is the answer. 

Could also be that more people want Killzone than any of the games you mentioned. Could be. Plus, how do you explain higher multiplat sales on PS4? 

Not everybody is moving to next gen. Most of the multiplatform games have higher pre orders on xbox 360 over any other platform. 

Which completely ignores my question.

Why do multiplats have higher pre orders on ps4 than xbox one?

Simple.....gamers are choosing current gen more over next gen.

People are going with the xbox 360 version over xbox one versions. 

Just look at the charts....

xbox 360 versions are higher

question answered.

Now you're assuming everyone that has a 360 will be buying an X1. But these charts are somewhat useless. I'd rather just wait to see the sales when the consoles come out.

Lol what????

Where did you get that from? 

I said alot of gamers are choosing current generation titles over next generation titles. 

The charts show xbox 360 versions of games have higher pre orders than xbox one and ps4. 

What does that say? That more gamers are staying current gen, right?

Some ps3 games have higher pre-orders then xbox one and ps4.

What does that say? More gamers are staying with current gen.


Did you know ps4 only supports a 2.4 wireless signal?

The xbox one supports a wireless adapter capable of 2.4 - 5.0ghz.

The ONLY next gen console to do so. 

They exact same reason why most gamers are staying current gen. You 2 guys are the most in denial guys i have seen on this site. The facts are clear and you guys cant see them.
More people are staying current gen meaning less people are going next gen.....meaning more current gen pre orders. I dont know why that is hard to understand. Do we need to skype in order for you to understand???
Explain to me why current gen versions have higher pre orders than next gen?
More current gen consoles would be your answer i believe...

Did you know ps4 only supports a 2.4 wireless signal?

The xbox one supports a wireless adapter capable of 2.4 - 5.0ghz.

The ONLY next gen console to do so. 

XxGame4lifexX said:
They exact same reason why most gamers are staying current gen. You 2 guys are the most in denial guys i have seen on this site. The facts are clear and you guys cant see them.
More people are staying current gen meaning less people are going next gen.....meaning more current gen pre orders. I dont know why that is hard to understand. Do we need to skype in order for you to understand???
Explain to me why current gen versions have higher pre orders than next gen?
More current gen consoles would be your answer i believe...

And how does more people sticking with current gen have anything to do with next gen versions of multiplats generally having more pre-orders on the PS4?

XxGame4lifexX said:
Killzone: SF
Knack (this isn't really a big game like KZ)
Driveclub was delayed
what else?
dont list games that are already on pc or psn only games

Why can't we list them?

Around the Network
HikenNoAce said:
XxGame4lifexX said:
Killzone: SF
Knack (this isn't really a big game like KZ)
Driveclub was delayed
what else?
dont list games that are already on pc or psn only games

Why can't we list them?

It's okay. He's just envious of what Playstation gamers get to experience.

Also, by that logic, Titanfall is no longer a noteworthy Xbox One exclusive. It's on PC. and 360 for that matter. 

Currently own:


  • Ps4


Currently playing: Witcher 3, Walking Dead S1/2, GTA5, Dying Light, Tomb Raider Remaster, MGS Ground Zeros

CGI-Quality said:
ps3-sales! said:
HikenNoAce said:

Why can't we list them?

Also, by that logic, Titanfall is no longer a noteworthy Xbox One exclusive. It's on PC. and 360 for that matter. 

Hadn't considered this, but in fairness, that's not a launch title.



*date subject to change

Currently own:


  • Ps4


Currently playing: Witcher 3, Walking Dead S1/2, GTA5, Dying Light, Tomb Raider Remaster, MGS Ground Zeros

CGI-Quality said:
ps3-sales! said:
CGI-Quality said:

Hadn't considered this, but in fairness, that's not a launch title.



*date subject to change

Joke failed.

I was told launch window titles wouldn't work, thus I listed just the launch titles. 

It wasn't a joke. I'm just blurting out random things.

Currently own:


  • Ps4


Currently playing: Witcher 3, Walking Dead S1/2, GTA5, Dying Light, Tomb Raider Remaster, MGS Ground Zeros