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do you know wether developers will start to work in a more efficient way this gen?
eg. Sony has several hundreds of high detailed gran tourismo cars .

Those cars can be also used for drive club and vice versa.
It makes no sense to code the same car twice for two different games.

The same with human npc's.

You can use the same npc's in different games.Just change the hair+ skin colour + the shape of the head(oval instead of round).99% gamers won't realise it.
(the same with textures,furnitures etcetc)

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Are you scared to talk to women in real life, like the stereotypical male gamer?

Is this job a front for secretly being a meth cook?


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SxyxS said:
do you know wether developers will start to work in a more efficient way this gen?
eg. Sony has several hundreds of high detailed gran tourismo cars .

Those cars can be also used for drive club and vice versa.
It makes no sense to code the same car twice for two different games.

The same with human npc's.

You can use the same npc's in different games.Just change the hair+ skin colour + the shape of the head(oval instead of round).99% gamers won't realise it.
(the same with textures,furnitures etcetc)

That already happens a lot between first party's but with assets that won't be visually similar by default,  shader code, modifications to SDK, hacks and so on are pooled and shared quite often, not major chunks though, visual assets are shared a lot between games of the same franchise, though that's getting less and less common because people throw a fit when they for example, see the same building in two different call of duty games.


There is one franchise with over 4 games under its belt and at least 10% of the models are reused without any mesh modification what so ever across all 4 games, despite them claiming otherwise at one point, not naming names though.

Do you know if your game's doing anything "creative" with the PS4 UI or are you guys just using the pre-made stuff?

Since you're multi-plat that would probably be a no :(

pbroy said:
Are you scared to talk to women in real life, like the stereotypical male gamer?

Is this job a front for secretly being a meth cook?

Were all human beings I see no logic behind being scared of talking to women, it would be pretty weird if I was seeing as I'm married and all.

Ironically i know how to make Meth I wouldn't make it, just like I know how to make a game from the movie Juno, but I don't wanna step on Dave's toes.

Quick Someone fetch the ice water.

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JoeTheBro said:
Do you know if your game's doing anything "creative" with the PS4 UI or are you guys just using the pre-made stuff?

Since you're multi-plat that would probably be a no :(

You will just have to wait and see.

No is a bad assumption I just can't go into the details behind a yes.

Nyleveia said:
JoeTheBro said:
Do you know if your game's doing anything "creative" with the PS4 UI or are you guys just using the pre-made stuff?

Since you're multi-plat that would probably be a no :(

You will just have to wait and see.

No is a bad assumption I just can't go into the details behind a yes.

Well if I don't know what game is yours, waiting and seeing won't work out that well ;)

I'm really hoping this doesn't end up being another under used feature, kinda like live area on Vita.

Thanks for the reply, it's nice to know that it's mostly business decisions that are driving publishers and devs away from Wii U development. That means it's up to Nintendo to fix the problem. Hopefully they can.

Also, I wasn't aware that the Publisher/Developer relationship was so black and white. I thought that devs would hold some sway as to what they work on, but I guess the suits make all the decisions when it comes to platforms etc. Shame really. We could see some truly creative stuff it developers were let loose to experiment.

When writing the game's story and script, what is your (or whoever writes) thought process? How do you go about creating dialogue, and compelling characters? Do you just watch the latest action movie, or do you use your own experiences and knowledge?

I'd like to know, because there are far too many games out there with horrendous writing. Even some of the biggest games out there have some pretty terrible script writing. Where the writers seem to think it's cool and edgy to use f bombs every five seconds. Sorry, but that's not good writing, that's cheep and lazy writing.

Sorry if I went on a tangent there, I'd just like to get it from a developers perspective on video game writing.

@ Frequency: Do you generally agree with Shin'en's views on developing for the Wii U? Specifically that it's got enough power provided you code appropriately to take advantage of the hardware? Or do you find yourself hitting that 'glass ceiling' more often than you'd like?