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Forums - General Discussion - Another U.S. political thread!

I'm going to keep this thread updated throughout the primary elections. Here is the latest scoreboard:


Barack Obama (1,121 delegates.. has won: Maine, Washington, Nebraska, Minnesota, Alaska, Idaho, Kansas, North Dakota, Colorado, Iowa, South Carolina, Alabama, Connecticut, Georgia, Deleware, Illinois, Missouri, Utah and Louisiana.)

Hillary Clinton (1,148 delegates.. has won: Nevada, New Hampshire, Michigan, Florida, New York, Tennessee, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Arkansas, Oklahoma, California and Arizona.)

2,025 delegates are needed to win the Democratic nomination.



John McCain (723 delegates.. has won: Washington, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Florida, New York, Connecticut, Deleware, New Jersey, Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, California and Arizona.)

Mike Huckabee (217 delegates.. has won: Iowa, West Virginia, Kansas, Tennessee, Georgia, Arkansas, Alabama, Louisiana.)

Ron Paul (16 delegates.. has won: nothing.)

1,191 delegates are needed to win the Republican nomination.

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According to those numbers, Huckabee needs 974 more delegates, while McCain only needs 468. That's more than double. Is there any chance for him to win?

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Sweet, Damkira. Does that include the pledged superdelegates?

NJ5 said:
According to those numbers, Huckabee needs 974 more delegates, while McCain only needs 468. That's more than double. Is there any chance for him to win?

No, and he's trying to call out the numbers in Washington State. Stay tuned ... 

madskillz said:
Sweet, Damkira. Does that include the pledged superdelegates?

 It does. It also includes unpledged delegates on the Republican side.


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isn't Huck the one wants to turn your commandments to that of the bible or something? And McCain wants you to stay in iraq for 100 years?

Good luck, neighbour.

Obama is ahead in pledged delegates now but still trailing in superD's.

 McCain didn't say "Let's have a 100 year COOL." He said as long as our soliders as NOT BEING HARMED or in conflict/war, he doesn't mind a mild troop presence there like in EVERY COUNTRY THE U.S. HAS HAD A PRESENCE IN, EVER (see: Japan, Germany, etc.) Don't just repeat catch phrases you hear second-hand, especially the ones Hillbot regurgigates in the same speech she makes at every event.

I have the worrying feeling that the Super delegates are going to give Hillary the Nomination even if she's losing


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Why do I keep hearing about Obama winning states all the time, and how everyone hates Clinton, but she's is still in the lead?

Parokki said:
Why do I keep hearing about Obama winning states all the time, and how everyone hates Clinton, but she's is still in the lead?

She has won in the bigger states so far. Regarding everyone hating her, it's obviously not the case (at least not outside the internet :P).


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957