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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is 2008, the beginning of the end for the XBox 360?

X-Man said:
disolitude said:
Some of you crack me up.

You don't realize that last year you missed a great year in gaming because of your ignorance towards the Xbox 360. You sit there and argue how the system is in trouble in 2008 and how you are waiting for the PS3 domination to start with the release of "killer" games while you you haven't played Bioshock, Halo 3, Gears of War, Orange Box...

No wonder you are acting like there is too much sand in your vagina.

You my friend are the ignorant one, you don't need a 360 to enjoy the majority of AAA titles on the system, i've played superior versions of Gears of War, The Orange Box and Bioshock all on my PC and I couldn't care less about Halo.

PS3/PC > 360/PC

Hell, even Wii/PC > 360/PC

You want to the percent of people that have pcs that can actually run these games normal on their pcs????

Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!

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It seems each time i come onto this site there's always someone in here predicting the end and how the 360 will fail this generation. My question to the OP and future thread makers, are you ppl [you know who u are] that desparate to see the console fail or end last? [according to your idiotic notions of sucess] Well if posting a bazillion treads with the same topics makes you feel better or will somehow have an effect on the rate of sales for your console of choice then you need to get a life or better yet, shoot yourself in the head while you're ahead.

I think its getting pretty old now, predicting the death of the 360. That my friends if far from reality, much farther than a Sony fanboy would like to think. If I were Sony I would be trying to make an even cheaper version of the PS3, with the 360 in their midst. Beating the 360 by a few thousand for a few weeks won't catch them up, this generation because it is literally millions behind right now. That's why these threads are meaning less and less every time someone post it.


Magnific0 said:

What makes you think the current rate won't get a lot larger when the big guns are released? I mean, it's been outselling it all this time without what all YOU 360fanboys like to call "NO GAMES".

There's no hurry to catch up, it will just happen, I really don't care when or how. The games I like are coming to the system I like. MS is not really doing any real money in this industry and if the 360 doesn't sell A LOT better than what is doing I doubt they will release any other console, at least not a product to compete directly with the Playstation/nintendo brands.
  Right, because earning more raw revenue than either of your two competitors doesn't count as "real money."


The 360 will have a hard time this yr. for its best game Halo 3 has already been released last yr. w. nothing to inspire potential customers they are gonna have a pretty darn hard time!

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Regardless of how bad the PS3 did in it's first year, it still managed to sell about the same amount of units that the 360 sold in its first year.

Still, the 360 is about as far from death as the PS3 was in April 07. (remember, we're talking about M$ (note the dollar symbol) here)

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

^lolol at the M$ - They will never run out of money just because of the 360 - keep that in mind. Ninty is a different story however

I suppose these kind of threads are just a natural reaction from Sony fanboys who got sick and tired of hearing all the "Demise of the PlayStation" rumors all last year, so don't bash them too hard.

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

these threads are starting to get really annoying

don't doubt the xbox 360 or microsoft. Everybody thought they would fail and leave the gaming business with the xbox but then they beat the gamecube and released a second console

also expect poosibilities like free xbox live, price drops, blue-ray player, and a slim model to help out the 360 this year

Not only is 2008 the begining of the end of the XBOX 360, today is also the first day of the rest of your life. Yes. You are all closer to the "end".

Didn't know these VGChartz thread discussions could get so intense, did ya!