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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft fans we can keep the threads clean ourselves.

Am I the only one who thinks this will just lead to some massive ban orgy?

Furthermore, to me it feels a bit strange that it's actually selnor putting forward such a suggestion. It may be true or not, but many people consider him one of the most extreme Microsoft fans on this website, to the point that many people even assume he is affiliated with Microsoft, maybe working for a marketing company or something like that. I mean, it's not like selnor's really just here to talk about "games" - "anything Microsoft-related" seems like a more matching description, he's also posting threads that seem to secretly advertise things like Windows Phone and Windows 8 for example. I even remember him posting threads that were vividly praising Windows RT tablets, that even the most hardcore Microsoft fans that I know wouldn't be interested in.

So I have to say that while it seems like a somewhat reasonable idea at first, I have a bad feeling that selnor's actually pushing an own agenda with this suggestion.

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ArnoldRimmer said:
Am I the only one who thinks this will just lead to some massive ban orgy?

Furthermore, to me it feels a bit strange that it's actually selnor putting forward such a suggestion. It may be true or not, but many people consider him one of the most extreme Microsoft fans on this website, to the point that many people even assume he is affiliated with Microsoft, maybe working for a marketing company or something like that. I mean, it's not like selnor's really just here to talk about "games" - "anything Microsoft-related" seems like a more matching description, he's also posting threads that seem to secretly advertise things like Windows Phone and Windows 8 for example. I even remember him posting threads that were vividly praising Windows RT tablets, that even the most hardcore Microsoft fans that I know wouldn't be interested in.

So I have to say that while it seems like a somewhat reasonable idea at first, I have a bad feeling that selnor's actually pushing an own agenda with this suggestion.

What?  How could ignoring trolls lead to a massive ban?  That doesnt make any sense.  Obviously this suggestion will never happen, but if by some miracle people did stop engaging the trolls, the only consequence would be less bans.  

ArnoldRimmer said:
Am I the only one who thinks this will just lead to some massive ban orgy?

Furthermore, to me it feels a bit strange that it's actually selnor putting forward such a suggestion. It may be true or not, but many people consider him one of the most extreme Microsoft fans on this website, to the point that many people even assume he is affiliated with Microsoft, maybe working for a marketing company or something like that. I mean, it's not like selnor's really just here to talk about "games" - "anything Microsoft-related" seems like a more matching description, he's also posting threads that seem to secretly advertise things like Windows Phone and Windows 8 for example. I even remember him posting threads that were vividly praising Windows RT tablets, that even the most hardcore Microsoft fans that I know wouldn't be interested in.

So I have to say that while it seems like a somewhat reasonable idea at first, I have a bad feeling that selnor's actually pushing an own agenda with this suggestion.

How is avoiding and ignoring "subjects" helping him push his agenda, aside from actually creating an enjoyable environment to post in?

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

Poor MS fans.

They have worked so hard to be the best users in this site, and with their amazing moderation history, they can easily keep their threads clean.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

This whole thread should be locked. For fucks sake.  this is a gaming forum stop acting like a bunch of kids. but hey....


Moderated - Kresnik.

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gergroy said:
ArnoldRimmer said:
Am I the only one who thinks this will just lead to some massive ban orgy?

Furthermore, to me it feels a bit strange that it's actually selnor putting forward such a suggestion. It may be true or not, but many people consider him one of the most extreme Microsoft fans on this website, to the point that many people even assume he is affiliated with Microsoft, maybe working for a marketing company or something like that. I mean, it's not like selnor's really just here to talk about "games" - "anything Microsoft-related" seems like a more matching description, he's also posting threads that seem to secretly advertise things like Windows Phone and Windows 8 for example. I even remember him posting threads that were vividly praising Windows RT tablets, that even the most hardcore Microsoft fans that I know wouldn't be interested in.

So I have to say that while it seems like a somewhat reasonable idea at first, I have a bad feeling that selnor's actually pushing an own agenda with this suggestion.

What?  How could ignoring trolls lead to a massive ban?  That doesnt make any sense.  Obviously this suggestion will never happen, but if by some miracle people did stop engaging the trolls, the only consequence would be less bans.  

Huh? I never claimed it would.

Ignoring trolls obviously won't lead to that massive ban orgy. But he suggests always reporting such postings - and I believe that in practice, that will cause a tendency of people trying to report every posting they don't like, suddenly believing to see "troll postings" everywhere.

And of course, it won't just be the Microsoft fans doing so - the Sony fans will adopt this practice in no time.

ArnoldRimmer said:
gergroy said:

What?  How could ignoring trolls lead to a massive ban?  That doesnt make any sense.  Obviously this suggestion will never happen, but if by some miracle people did stop engaging the trolls, the only consequence would be less bans.  

Huh? I never claimed it would.

Ignoring trolls obviously won't lead to that massive ban orgy. But he suggests always reporting such postings - and I believe that in practice, that will cause a tendency of people trying to report every posting they don't like, suddenly believing to see "troll postings" everywhere.

And of course, it won't just be the Microsoft fans doing so - the Sony fans will adopt this practice in no time.

Well, it seemed implied since that is what the op was mainly about.  Anyways, Im pretty sure what you just described is already the common practice of many users here... So... That is why we have mods who judge whether the posts are in violation of the rules.

Totally agree selnor. Just reporting and moving on is so much better than posting. Also you should never feel the need to warn people that you're going to report them. The mods do a pretty good job of taking care of things and will usually just give a warning if it's nothing serious.

Also I'll use this reply to say I don't think of you as a troll, just in case you got that impression.

JoeTheBro said:
Totally agree selnor. Just reporting and moving on is so much better than posting. Also you should never feel the need to warn people that you're going to report them. The mods do a pretty good job of taking care of things and will usually just give a warning if it's nothing serious.

Also I'll use this reply to say I don't think of you as a troll, just in case you got that impression.

I think of him as something else. 

gooch_destroyer said:
JoeTheBro said:
Totally agree selnor. Just reporting and moving on is so much better than posting. Also you should never feel the need to warn people that you're going to report them. The mods do a pretty good job of taking care of things and will usually just give a warning if it's nothing serious.

Also I'll use this reply to say I don't think of you as a troll, just in case you got that impression.

I think of him as something else. 

A guy that really loves video games and xbox?