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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - MOH: Heroes 2 (Wii) - no online in Australia, EA giving full refund??

Wow, that seriously sucks for you Aussies. It's really unfair though. I've been playing MOH:H2 online for 3 days straight, and it rocks. Without it, the game would be average. Is there nothing you can do?

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the game is garbage anyway. I don't know how it managed to get decent reviews.

--OkeyDokey-- said:
the game is garbage anyway. I don't know how it managed to get decent reviews.

Have you played it? No? Then STF up. 

You can't break the laws of physics. Light travels only so fast in a given amount of time. That has always been a issue with gaming, and the continent down under. While all online gaming suffers from a degree of lag even if it is too microscopic to be noticed. Those microscopic issues start to add up when you deal with distances of thousands of miles.

Thus the answer is regional servers, and whether they are operational is very dependent on the user base. With a 360 or a PS3 which can act as their own servers its not a relevant issue. However the Wii isn't quite the same kind of setup from what I understand. I could be wrong, but I don't think the Wii can function as its own server.

I don't necessarily think its fair that the Australians get the raw end of the deal thanks to geography, but quite often they get persecuted for their protective lag. I also suppose the size of the market isn't helping to convince companies to set up servers in the region. Would anyone know if Nintendo has dedicated Australian servers.

Kasz216 said:
Like seriously though. I wonder what is wrong. Is it something against private servers in the law or something... would an American copy work in an American wii in Australia?

 Because Australia has PAL instead of NTSC an American copy won't work that easily... Instead an European copy would do and maybe the online multiplayer would be playable then (fortunately the mode hasn't been cancelled in Europa, too)! IGN say the online mode has been removed in Australian version, because EA didn't want to set up another server down there (the game's sales were already poor in the US and so in Australia they would have been even lower) so IF the European versions online mode would work in Australia, it should connect to an European server which would result in a maybe too long latency...?

 Of course the move of the online component in Australian version is a shame..., luckily EA will give a refund which is the absolutely least they have to do... 

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Chrizum said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
the game is garbage anyway. I don't know how it managed to get decent reviews.

Have you played it? No? Then STF up. 

yeah I rented it the other day. the controls were some of the best on the wii, but everything else was just awful.

This is BS. EA have an office here. Its not *that* expensive to run a local server - and if it only has to cater to a 'few' people, then all the easier.

There are plenty of local companies that would run one for them, maybe for free - in exchange for some publicity for instance.

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

Is it possible to import from Europe? It's also PAL so it should work. Only problem might be lag, but it's worth the try.

Now that is just sad!! EA can't get a few servers and allow the Aussies to have online play?? Wow, EA truly sucks

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Console that will sell most: Nintendo Wii U

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Remember the servers would be a free service for those that purchased the game, but they would also be expected to maintain those services for a protracted length of time. The issue could be that thanks to the smaller market, and the limited interest. Well providing servers might not be profitable.

Often we forget that the service must be provided for as long as the game is being sold on the market, and then for a period after the sales have ceased. I have bought many a old game with online just to log onto the games servers to find them empty. While I applaud the fact that the developers have honored the promise on the box. I am also somewhat saddened that servers are lying almost undisturbed.

Really it isn't as simple as what some here might think. Were there profit to be made by doing so Electronic Arts would do it, but I have seen them close game servers with a user base of ten thousand, and they were collecting monthly fees for those. So there isn't much chance they would sanction servers for free for a user base that within three months might be a few thousand.