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Forums - NSFW Discussion - In-depth interview on the effects of pornography on children and young teens

Im very surprise to see people, specially young ones agreeing, i thought all was lost

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insomniac17 said:

More related information on why porn can be a bad thing.

Seeing this I feel like I had a very sheltered childhood.  I didn't even have internet growing up.  

The (damaging) effects of porn is an unbelievably under-discussed topic. Thanks for posting. I 100% disagree with porn, but I am truly addicted to it. I've made serious attempts to stop looking at porn 100s of times since I was first introduced to it by friends at like 13 yrs old.

I used to have the utmost respect for women, but porn has made me think of women much differently. I've had other negative changes as well.

Addiction to porn not common? I highly (but respectfully:) disagree. Look up the statistic of the percentage of married men who look at porn. I've talked to many guys who said they thought marriage would make it easy to stop porn, then they find themselves looking at porn less than a year or 2 after marriage.

Edit (dumb phone autocorrect): Seece not seeds

A child being a child sex offender? Kind of odd to me.

I been looking at porn since I was 4 years old in various forms. Not really any problems with me that I know of. I do find it amazing how easy it is to find a naked person though. (not necessarily porn)

When I was around 8-10 years old I found a picture of a naked woman on the ground and took it for myself, and eventually gave it to my friend.

When I was like 12, I was messing around at the college with my friend and a bunch of naked runners ran by us. Not a common occurrence in my town but it happened.

And of course the explosion of nudity in movies, video games and the internet make it quite easy.

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My "porn" habits include erotic fiction, pictures of women and some hentai manga. The rest happens in my head.

VGPolyglot said:

Very nice read! I am a teenager myself, and the only time I watched porn was when I was looking though videos on one of my friend's PSP, and yeah, I guess that wasn't the best idea. I stay away from it, because I want my parents to trust what I do on the internet, and just like how I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs, I know that it can become an addiction, and I honesty don't really want to get addicted to something like that. I admit, I have other addictions (Thanks VGChartz -_-), but at least it's not for something like porn. I don't understand why people would want to get into an addiction like that, especially if you're under 18. I have never really kissed a girl either (I'm a bit socially awkward myself), but I can wait, instead of resorting to porn.

Edit: I forgot, I was also trying to find Chinese movies on the internet, and I came across this weird video. I stopped watching when I realized what it was, and I'll never watch it again.

I been looking at porn since I was 4. But it is good to see that you do not smoke drink or do any other drugs. It is just not worth it. I have never tried any of that and do not intend to. My family has a history of easily getting addicted to various things.

Now on the topic of getting addicted to video games. Tbh I think being addicted to a video game can even be a good thing. It is certainly not as bad as other addictions. (Unless you are insane and do not eat or drink...) Being addicted to a game say like WoW can go both ways. Good if you learn from WoW various social skills and management of large groups of people. Bad if you forget about your real life. Being addicted to a history game like Age of Mythology or something can teach you a lot of things about greeks, egyptians etc and make you want to learn more. So really if you are spending most of your addictive energy to helping yourself it would not be as bad as other things. Cigarettes= waste of time, waste of money, waste of life, waste of other peoples life, makes you smell etc.

Interesting article, but it is also worth noting that these examples are the exception, and not the rule. Most people don't have such extreme reactions, otherwise these stories would be way more common.

I first saw pornographic material when I was I think around 11 or 12. It was not intentional, it was just me being my curious self, I clicked on an advertisement and there it was.
I didn't start looking at it intentionally until I was 14. It was worst when I was 15 or 16, for some periods I viewed porn on an almost daily basis.
Now I'm nearly 20, and it's much better, no more than 2 or 3 times a month. For masturbation, probably triple that.

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

Saw my first porno when I was 8, still watching porn today ^^