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Forums - Gaming Discussion - who/what is the most annoying enemy in gaming

Footclan from the old TMNT arcade games especially when the difficulty was cranked up to the hardest level, I consider stages enemies sometimes so all stages of levels 6 to 8 on Super Mario Brothers 3, the laser guy you can't kill on Galaxy, Chainsaw dude from RE4, and Pokey from Earthbound.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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BCrayfish said:
The ghost fish from Ninja Gaiden.

I hate you GHOST FISH.

Ghost fish are a push over.  As soon as you see them, jump forwards and press the weak attack button (for an air spin thingy) as soon as you leave the ground.  As soon as you hit the ground again, repeat the same process (but go backwards if you do not have room to jump forwards again).

 The ghost fish will not be able to hurt you at all, because your air attack thingy is uninterruptible.  Ghost fish are some of the best enemies in the game, because they are basically free money/health/ninpo. 


i agree with the sun enemy in smb3 :] i hated that guy


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I hate Lakitu too!

I also hate that flying mask when you try to steal a key in SMB2

The flying sun in SMB3

And I hate campers and cheaters when playing any fps! Campers and cheaters, I double hate you!!!

big daddies on hard in bioshock

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Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

epsilon72 said:
BCrayfish said:
The ghost fish from Ninja Gaiden.

I hate you GHOST FISH.

Ghost fish are a push over. As soon as you see them, jump forwards and press the weak attack button (for an air spin thingy) as soon as you leave the ground. As soon as you hit the ground again, repeat the same process (but go backwards if you do not have room to jump forwards again).

The ghost fish will not be able to hurt you at all, because your air attack thingy is uninterruptible. Ghost fish are some of the best enemies in the game, because they are basically free money/health/ninpo.


 Ah see, I never knew about that. I always used the move with the vigorian flail where you spin it around super fast (yes I know pretty much all the moves are like that but this is the one where you stand still while doing it).If you missed even one on very hard you were pretty much toast.

You've got me interested now though. Might have to go back and play through it just to try that out. 


Fusion Metroids in Metroid Prime, the ones right before the actual Metroid Prime. The ones where you can't kill with just the ice beam. You have to waste so much ammo on them, and then it effing splits into TWO more. Best part is that as soon as you kill the other 2 a new fusion metroid appears in the area. I learned to just haul ass through that area and super ball bomb them if they latch on. Too bad it still wastes energy. They are THE WORST things to spawn during a final boss battle too.

Count me as another one for Lakitu.

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
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The Pirate Troopers in Metroid Prime that have beams.

espcially find the power beam and wave beam varieties very annoying :oops:

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