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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will Sony let MS adopt blu ray???

didn't MS say somewhere that they would use which ever one won, as that would bring down costs for everyone even more as the disc burners would all be the same so it would save a lot of money, i think personally thats why they didnt put the hd-dvd drive in the elite

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Saiyan_Princ3 said:
If HD-DVD loses....will Sony ever let MS adopt blu-ray on their 360...or future consoles? Since the 360 cant really make an RPG game ,without it have to be at least 2 discs long. And that blu ray has a clear advantage in making games. So what will Sony do??? Since MS is willing to adopt it. Do you think Sony will let MS "their main competition" use their technology?

 Sony doesnt have a say whatoever Ms does, unless they want to make like crash bandicoot on the 360, MS can use bluray if they want, and fable 2 will be amazing, and i am prtty sure there isnt a single ps3 game that has used anywher near ever 10GB and considering a dual layer DVD can hold 9GB i dont think that the 360 has to use 2 discs, and some of the best RPGs have been on upto 4 discs.

Toshiba are currently developing a BLu ray player. I guess MS will get Toshiba to develop Blu ray disc player as either an add for the 360 console or Blu ray will be built in the new XBox console to be released in the USA late 2010. The XBox 360 will be supported until 2012/2013.  The new XBox console will have a lead of around 2 years over the PS4, assuming PS4 is released late 2012. As for the Wii that could still be going strong for quite a considerably long time and Wii 2 will probably be released in 2012.

@Lightbleeder: Tha is GENIUS, dude--though they would have to hold more than they currently do, otherwise MS' next-gen format would hold less data than Sony's current one.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
McClark71 said:
Saiyan_Princ3 said:
If HD-DVD loses....will Sony ever let MS adopt blu-ray on their 360...or future consoles? Since the 360 cant really make an RPG game ,without it have to be at least 2 discs long. And that blu ray has a clear advantage in making games. So what will Sony do??? Since MS is willing to adopt it. Do you think Sony will let MS "their main competition" use their technology?

 Sony doesnt have a say whatoever Ms does, unless they want to make like crash bandicoot on the 360, MS can use bluray if they want, and fable 2 will be amazing, and i am prtty sure there isnt a single ps3 game that has used anywher near ever 10GB and considering a dual layer DVD can hold 9GB i dont think that the 360 has to use 2 discs, and some of the best RPGs have been on upto 4 discs.


No game has used anywhere near 10GB? Ahahahahah.

Uncharted alone used 22GB. And yes, it was all compresed.

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what wrong with games that use more then one disc (tles of symphonia syphon filter 2, like every fina fantasy for the ps1) and how much of that 22 GB is nessacary, seeing as how good the games are on the 360, i think that under 10 GB is fine.

its kinda a funny to think about it but sony would have to let MS use blu-ray becuase of the money they and the blu-ray people would make together. Anyway have you ever seen a Sony VIAO without Microsoft Windows? fight with videogames are between the gamers and not the game companys, to them its just a business not an epic war for life. like it is to us.

well that's how new technologies replace the old ones(by increasing its market share),,so in other words sony will be happy to do so




No matter what MS decides, it really won't matter for a while. There won't be a 360 with an internal blu ray drive and an external drive probably wouldn't compete with ps3 in terms of aggressive pricing.

Toshiba was invited into the Blu-Ray camp in a bid to end the format war early. Microsoft has always advertised they are providing consumers a choice (ahem....) between a Blu-Ray drive or HD DVD drive for the 360 (at least when consumers have made a clear choice, which is crystal clear now, actually it has been clear for a while considering a 99% Blu-Ray movie sale market share in Japan last year).

Microsoft can adopt Blu-Ray technology like any other company (same terms).

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales