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Forums - Gaming Discussion - SSBB Online play

coolestguyever said:
SSBB looks like an old style arcade fighting game like Virtua Fighter series, that could probably have been made on N64.

 no way!!!!!!!!! u don't even know how much content is in this game!!! It uses a dual layer DVD and it is almost packed to the very bit. VF is nowhere near SSB!!!!!!

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dude17761991hatp said:
I'm so happy there's no lag. I just pray there won't be any when 5 million American users try to get on.

 there might be because many people have DSL which prob. isn't fast enuff for multiplayer battles across the country

WaSuMaRa said:
coolestguyever said:
SSBB looks like an old style arcade fighting game like Virtua Fighter series, that could probably have been made on N64.

Ouch, why are you saying that if you know that it isnt true? Does it makes you feel better??

 Is called trolling, and yes, they feel better...

On topic, thanks man, now I'm sure I will change of ISP for this game... 

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

DSL is plenty fast enough...sounds like someone has been taking in Comcast's lies. I have cable, but I could game just as well with DSL. What matters is your ping, which usually means how far you are from the other players. So playing against someone 200 miles away will be very different from 2000 miles away, etc.

Here's another WiFi match since this thread's about them:



Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

^I don't have Comcast. and DSL is still a bit slow because when u r playing somebody across the continent (NY to CA) the speeds will really slow esp. with 4 players. The main reason there is no lag in Japan is because Japan has the fastest internet on earth.

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wiiforever said:
^I don't have Comcast. and DSL is still a bit slow because when u r playing somebody across the continent (NY to CA) the speeds will really slow esp. with 4 players. The main reason there is no lag in Japan is because Japan has the fastest internet on earth.

Trust me, playing from coast to coast gets high ping no matter what kind of internet you have. I'm telling you, as long your speed is DSL or above, you can't get much better when playing cross-country.

Japan has no lag because the entire country is slightly smaller than the state of California, of course you're not gonna have much lag when that's how far you play.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

this game is gonna be sooo great online ...i cant wait


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^exactly so we still don't know whether there will be any lag when playing across greater distances.
btw: can't u play online across the world? if that was so, imagine the lag then

wiiforever said:
^exactly so we still don't know whether there will be any lag when playing across greater distances.
btw: can't u play online across the world? if that was so, imagine the lag then

 Someone played from California to Sweden I think...and there was control lag.  No lag spikes or glitches, just control lag, which might be considered worse for some.  Meaning you press A to attack, and you don't attack until however many milliseconds was apparently considerable but not unplayable.

But that might be because the Wii's online system was not set up properly in the States and Europe...they were using Japanese Wiis.  But I don't know how that system works...if it's peer to peer or if it uses Nintendo's servers.  If they were able to play...apparently it's already working in the US and Europe...perhaps not optimized though.

But I think there was a match with a US location and Japan and it went fine, no lag.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

^hopefully but even a little lag is crucial for SSBB since it is such a fast paced game