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Forums - General Discussion - Poor kid punished for looking at his X-mas gifts early. (He wanted a 360)

rendo said:
People who are calling this kids parents bad, are fools. If any of my kids looked at their christmas gifts early, I'd do the exact same thing, AND I would return what I got them. Kids got no comprehension of self control and discipline these days and it's only going to get worse as these "kids" turn into adults with no sense of morality or integrity. Get off your horses people, they're doing their kid a favour.

 So, instead of being kind with your own child (And find a constructive way to teach them self control and discipline) you teach them how to be mean with their own family only because they are kids and are not mature enough to behave as you like... only because somehow looking at his x-mas present early is a clear sign of a future adult with no morals and integrity...

Thanks for the advice, I will take it in account in my "What not to do with my own kids"  book...

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"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."
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Two things.
1) That kid looks like a crackbaby
2) Those are some asshole parents
Hear that guy laughing in the back?!
He's enjoying himself...


FJ-Warez said:
rendo said:
People who are calling this kids parents bad, are fools. If any of my kids looked at their christmas gifts early, I'd do the exact same thing, AND I would return what I got them. Kids got no comprehension of self control and discipline these days and it's only going to get worse as these "kids" turn into adults with no sense of morality or integrity. Get off your horses people, they're doing their kid a favour.

So, instead of being kind with your own child (And find a constructive way to teach them self control and discipline) you teach them how to be mean with their own family only because they are kids and are not mature enough to behave as you like... only because somehow looking at his x-mas present early is a clear sign of a future adult with no morals and integrity...

Thanks for the advice, I will take it in account in my "What not to do with my own kids" book...

It's called patience. If a kid can't wait to find out what he got for Christmas, he doesn't deserve it at all. Defeats the entire purpose of giving gifts if people go snooping around looking for them.

Precisely how would you "constructively" teach them self control? I'm sorry little Jonny, you didn't listen to mommy and daddy, so you're not going to get your Xbox for X period of time. Really teaches the kid he can do what he want and get away with it still, which is MY issue with kids these days, no self control.

So let me know how your kid turns out, I'm sure he'll be a great kid.

Clearly there is some kind've misunderstanding.  I would not BERATE my child and taunt them like that.  I would swap the gift, and then explain to him/her that because they were little jamtards, they don't get it now.

rendo said:
FJ-Warez said:
rendo said:
People who are calling this kids parents bad, are fools. If any of my kids looked at their christmas gifts early, I'd do the exact same thing, AND I would return what I got them. Kids got no comprehension of self control and discipline these days and it's only going to get worse as these "kids" turn into adults with no sense of morality or integrity. Get off your horses people, they're doing their kid a favour.

So, instead of being kind with your own child (And find a constructive way to teach them self control and discipline) you teach them how to be mean with their own family only because they are kids and are not mature enough to behave as you like... only because somehow looking at his x-mas present early is a clear sign of a future adult with no morals and integrity...

Thanks for the advice, I will take it in account in my "What not to do with my own kids" book...

It's called patience. If a kid can't wait to find out what he got for Christmas, he doesn't deserve it at all. Defeats the entire purpose of giving gifts if people go snooping around looking for them.

Precisely how would you "constructively" teach them self control? I'm sorry little Jonny, you didn't listen to mommy and daddy, so you're not going to get your Xbox for X period of time. Really teaches the kid he can do what he want and get away with it still, which is MY issue with kids these days, no self control.

So let me know how your kid turns out, I'm sure he'll be a great kid.

Believe or not, talking, is the first and most trusted resource, kids are not dumbs, they are really capable of understand when your are serious and when you are not, if you thread them like animals, they will learn to not trust you... (Punishment should be the last resource)

Why should a kid trust in somebody who makes fun of his mistakes?? Or trust in somebody who thread him so bad when he made a mistake???

Animals response very good to the error/punishment threadment, kids do not, relationships are based in trust, kids learn this very quick in his young life, they learn how to forgive, but they dont forget easily, later in his teenager life this boys/girls faced a lot of hard times and changes, and guest what, if they don't trust in his parents(for multiple reasons), why should ask them for advice, this is really the first cause of lack of morality and integrity, they don't have a good example to follow... they take their own desitions alone or even worse, with the aid of someone like them...

But I guess you will find out this in a few years...


Edit: Oh yeah, you are supposed to be the patience one, with your kids...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

Those parents suck.. Honestly if they wanted to teach him a lesson they could have just not given him the 360 and when he finished all of his presents he would be stuck with a dilemma. He would have to decide to come clean and admit to peaking, then the parents could have a talk about how its wrong to peak and then give him the 360 as a reward for coming clean. This way you teach him that honesty pays off and you teach him not to peak. All they taught him was that they are evil parents who get off on some one else's pain and to never trust them

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I agree with FJ-Warez but would like to add a little more

Any study will tell you that the reward system is most effective (and that includes Animals). Now there does has to be consequences but they shouldn't be based on the emotions.

One way to approach the situation would be to let the kid open it early but not let him have it until he had earned it in some manner. And obviously I don't mean by being tormented.

Also just a thought you don't train a dog to sit by beating him. And it is possible to train a dog not to crap inside without beating him as well

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1
rendo said:
FJ-Warez said:

rendo said:

If any of my kids looked at their christmas gifts early, I'd do the exact same thing, AND I would return what I got them.

Thanks for the advice, I will take it in account in my "What not to do with my own kids" book...

Clearly there is some kind've misunderstanding. I would not BERATE my child and taunt them like that. I would swap the gift, and then explain to him/her that because they were little jamtards, they don't get it now.

I think you are contradictin yourself, but hey at least something good came out of this...

@ kenzomatic, I agree, but my point was about the mistake/punishment threadment for kids and for animals, not the reward system (Which should be the best solution), other than that I agree with your post...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

Ha! This reminded me of when I was a kid, a week after I got a SNES my parents were tired of my obsession with it so I came back from from playing soccer with my friends at the park and they told me someone came in and stole my Super Nintendo, I almost cried and my mom and uncle were laughing.

This kid is gonna look back and laugh at t his, I know I do.

What are you looking at, nerd?

ok guys, click on the link and read the description:

"My mom decides to buy my brother an Xbox 360 for christmas. We leave that night and return the next morning to find he has sneaked a look....just as my mom thought he would, this is the result"                                            

"I envy you. You North Americans are very lucky. You are fighting the most important fight of all- you live in the heart of the beast." 

Ernesto "Che" Guevara.

He deserved it and much more. He sneak peeked it early people. I would have taken the console back and given him the receipt as a present.