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FJ-Warez said:
rendo said:
People who are calling this kids parents bad, are fools. If any of my kids looked at their christmas gifts early, I'd do the exact same thing, AND I would return what I got them. Kids got no comprehension of self control and discipline these days and it's only going to get worse as these "kids" turn into adults with no sense of morality or integrity. Get off your horses people, they're doing their kid a favour.

So, instead of being kind with your own child (And find a constructive way to teach them self control and discipline) you teach them how to be mean with their own family only because they are kids and are not mature enough to behave as you like... only because somehow looking at his x-mas present early is a clear sign of a future adult with no morals and integrity...

Thanks for the advice, I will take it in account in my "What not to do with my own kids" book...

It's called patience. If a kid can't wait to find out what he got for Christmas, he doesn't deserve it at all. Defeats the entire purpose of giving gifts if people go snooping around looking for them.

Precisely how would you "constructively" teach them self control? I'm sorry little Jonny, you didn't listen to mommy and daddy, so you're not going to get your Xbox for X period of time. Really teaches the kid he can do what he want and get away with it still, which is MY issue with kids these days, no self control.

So let me know how your kid turns out, I'm sure he'll be a great kid.

Clearly there is some kind've misunderstanding.  I would not BERATE my child and taunt them like that.  I would swap the gift, and then explain to him/her that because they were little jamtards, they don't get it now.