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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Shin'en: If you can't make great looking games on Wii U, it's not the hardware's fault

Mr Khan said:
ninjablade said:
Mr Khan said:
It is wild that, almost a year after the hardware releases, developers are not allowed to detail the GPU. There's a difference between Nintendo not trumpeting the system's specs and forbidding others to do so. What do they gain from that opacity?

the reason is  nintendo is embarrassed  to show there specs , its a 160 sp gpu, and nintendo wants to keep it a secret, no other company hides there specs like nintendo, and nintendo only started hiding there specs, with the wii brand, and the reason is, because the specs are embarrasing compared to the competition

It's not like there's anything to hide, though. With Wii, it was clear that you're not in the same ballpark as the competition (with Wii U, it's less clear, but only because the GPU is modern enough to run most of the same instructions, just not with anywhere near the same brute force, whereas Wii's GPU was dated in every sense of the term for its time). With Wii U it's still clear they're running well behind the competition, so there's no reason to be embarrassed about something that you're not trying to hide in the first place. It would be like someone who's obviously poor refusing to disclose their income to two rich friends, unlike someone who's trying to keep up the appearances of being rich but who was actually poor.

Embarrasment cannot be the reason, so what is it?

i don't know if you read the tech thread on neogaf and beyond 3d but the most likely scenerio right now based on what we know is the gpu is  a very effeciante 160sp gpu, so of course they would be embarrassed, thats why they have very strict NDA incase anybody reveals the specs.

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dahuman said:
ninjablade said:
dahuman said:
ninjablade said:

this line came from a developers, he said interms of performance its very close to cuurentgen, here is the quote

On the tech side, having DX11 level features is pretty useful, which makes large parts of the system compatible with our other platforms. Overall the hardware itself is slightly faster than the other current-gen consoles. One very nice advantage the console has is the additional usable memory you have. Having that extra memory made development much easier compared to other current-gen platforms.


Please go back to school and take some more English and debate classes.

Your fist step in becoming a better person would be to fix your sig as you have already proven yourself to be wrong on that one.

i havent had time to change my sig i will do it later, and all i'm saying is wiiu ius simialer current gen interms of performance slighty better, and we have heard this from many developers, not to mention the games not looking better the current gen.

Duh, they are still using DX9 level shaders and early SDK on Wii U, what the hell are you expecting? They don't even have a MLAA solution in their SDK yet so devs have to make their own if they want decent AA for deferred rendering. How many Wii U has been sold? How much return can 3rd party expect? Do they want to take the gamble and spend resources on an unproven platform from a company that 3rd party can't sale the software on due to the low install base? All $$$$$$$$$$$$, simple logic.

here is the quote from the developer by the way

Way to make friends with publishers Nintendo - question their skill - just cause they don't create cartoony graphics for all their games (not hating btw)

fireburn95 said:
Way to make friends with publishers Nintendo - question their skill - just cause they don't create cartoony graphics for all their games (not hating btw)

It's Shin'en, not Nintendo. And you clearly don't know about Nintendo if you believe all their games are cartoony.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

fireburn95 said:
Way to make friends with publishers Nintendo - question their skill - just cause they don't create cartoony graphics for all their games (not hating btw)

but Shin'en isn't Nintendo XD

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ninjablade said:
dahuman said:
ninjablade said:

i havent had time to change my sig i will do it later, and all i'm saying is wiiu ius simialer current gen interms of performance slighty better, and we have heard this from many developers, not to mention the games not looking better the current gen.

Duh, they are still using DX9 level shaders and early SDK on Wii U, what the hell are you expecting? They don't even have a MLAA solution in their SDK yet so devs have to make their own if they want decent AA for deferred rendering. How many Wii U has been sold? How much return can 3rd party expect? Do they want to take the gamble and spend resources on an unproven platform from a company that 3rd party can't sale the software on due to the low install base? All $$$$$$$$$$$$, simple logic.

thats the problem the hardware itself is so close to current gen, you need to really invest to to make it look slightly better, there is a quote from a developer on neogaf, saying some ports run great on 360/ps3 with out any optimization, while wiiu has problems.

The "without any optimization" thing is becuase they already optimized them since the platforms have been out for 7-8 fucking years. If they don't want to invest it, fine, but don't go thinking that the new consoles are god machines that run on magic either, I've already played shit during PAX Prime, and trust me, the new consoles aren't that grand either in that optimization department. Knack has some serious problems, 2nd son is still not publicly playable, BF4 looks like shit right now on X1 settings, Killer Instinct is Killer Instinct, and Ryse looks to be the most boring game ever with a lot of issues still. Titan Fall though, looks interesting, even though it's actually running on Source Engine LOL(expect very little difference from the 360 version)!

What new hardware is ever optimized? The answer is, none, and don't expect too many games to take advantage of the actual hardware features with the upcoming consoles for the first year either, that's not how that shit works, it never was to start with.

Just can't wait to see their exclusive for the Wii U.

ninjablade said:
dahuman said:
ninjablade said:
dahuman said:
ninjablade said:

this line came from a developers, he said interms of performance its very close to cuurentgen, here is the quote

On the tech side, having DX11 level features is pretty useful, which makes large parts of the system compatible with our other platforms. Overall the hardware itself is slightly faster than the other current-gen consoles. One very nice advantage the console has is the additional usable memory you have. Having that extra memory made development much easier compared to other current-gen platforms.


Please go back to school and take some more English and debate classes.

Your fist step in becoming a better person would be to fix your sig as you have already proven yourself to be wrong on that one.

i havent had time to change my sig i will do it later, and all i'm saying is wiiu ius simialer current gen interms of performance slighty better, and we have heard this from many developers, not to mention the games not looking better the current gen.

Duh, they are still using DX9 level shaders and early SDK on Wii U, what the hell are you expecting? They don't even have a MLAA solution in their SDK yet so devs have to make their own if they want decent AA for deferred rendering. How many Wii U has been sold? How much return can 3rd party expect? Do they want to take the gamble and spend resources on an unproven platform from a company that 3rd party can't sale the software on due to the low install base? All $$$$$$$$$$$$, simple logic.

here is the quote from the developer by the way

Yes he basically said shit nothing and should shut the fuck up if he has nothing relevant to say.

dahuman said:
ninjablade said:
dahuman said:
ninjablade said:
dahuman said:
ninjablade said:

this line came from a developers, he said interms of performance its very close to cuurentgen, here is the quote

On the tech side, having DX11 level features is pretty useful, which makes large parts of the system compatible with our other platforms. Overall the hardware itself is slightly faster than the other current-gen consoles. One very nice advantage the console has is the additional usable memory you have. Having that extra memory made development much easier compared to other current-gen platforms.


Please go back to school and take some more English and debate classes.

Your fist step in becoming a better person would be to fix your sig as you have already proven yourself to be wrong on that one.

i havent had time to change my sig i will do it later, and all i'm saying is wiiu ius simialer current gen interms of performance slighty better, and we have heard this from many developers, not to mention the games not looking better the current gen.

Duh, they are still using DX9 level shaders and early SDK on Wii U, what the hell are you expecting? They don't even have a MLAA solution in their SDK yet so devs have to make their own if they want decent AA for deferred rendering. How many Wii U has been sold? How much return can 3rd party expect? Do they want to take the gamble and spend resources on an unproven platform from a company that 3rd party can't sale the software on due to the low install base? All $$$$$$$$$$$$, simple logic.

here is the quote from the developer by the way

Yes he basically said shit nothing and should shut the fuck up if he has nothing relevant to say.

this is what i don't understand how come black forest games and vigil games were able to comment on the wiiu hardware in a negative way, one said its slighty faster the current gen, and vigil said its on par.

ninjablade said:
dahuman said:
ninjablade said:

here is the quote from the developer by the way

Yes he basically said shit nothing and should shut the fuck up if he has nothing relevant to say.

this is what i don't understand how come black forest games and vigil games were able to comment on the wiiu hardware in a negative way, one said its slighty faster the current gen, and vigil said its on par.

Nothing is ever "on par" in this situation, the people bitching prolly were using early SDKs where not all CPU cores were used, or are unfamiliar with the way the hardware would react to their code, or the compilers just didn't make efficient enough processes to run with the Wii U because the SDK sucked. It also depends on how much access Nintendo is giving the devs to low level hardware, how much they can tinker with it also matters, but then it'd take more hours to work in assembly hence the "investment in time and money" comes into play. It's never that simple.