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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Angry readers want Gamespot reviewer fired after her GTA V review

Max King of the Wild said:
Dr.Grass said:
She should've just ignored her sexism angle and reviewed it as a friggin' videogame then she could've continued the dream of hanging out with the boys and playing videogames. I mean, that's all she really wanted isn't it?

Apparently she has the xy chromosome...

Careful! The 2 girls on VGC are gonna come out and get you banned!

OH WAIT! No! There are no girls on VGC...

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Dr.Grass said:

You sound like an anthropology student.

Thanks. Although, I'm not. 


Viktor said:
GTA V fan stabbed and robbed of game by another GTAV fan

Don't believe everything you read, this wasn't about GTAV, guy went to midnight launch and on his way back, got mugged. His more expensive Phone and watch were also taken, those bit however were left out of the story. The story this way is good for publicity and irony.

Hmm, pie.

Fayceless said:
misterchoc90 said:



But in the male-dominated sub-culture of gaming, it would appear that feminine-biased opinons are utterly unacceptable.  I find that to be unacceptable.  It's fine to disagree, but this outcry is ridiculous and appalling.

I don't find their opinions utterly unacceptable, but taking a game like GTA V and saying it disrespects women makes no sense. We're talking about GTA. If for example you take a game like Mario and if a reviewer found a certain situation where the main character raped a female character just for fun or something it would make perfect sense to decrease it's score based on the GTA V's reviewer argument.

I mean, I might be wrong, but I was sure the Game Trailers' review of GTA V was done by a woman, and I don't think she criticized the way the women are portrayed in the game and thus decreasing the game's score (I'll need to check that later, actually).

Her bias was as bad as for example me (a PS3 fanboy) saying "Hey, Halo is only for XBox and I don't really like that particular console, so it's going to get a 90". For a reviewer like her it's unprofessional and something I didn't really expect from Gamespot. Probably from IGN lol.

Do note that I do think 90 is a really great score and all the backlash she's getting is just wrong. But please, her argument was biased and unprofessional, but still not something that one should be fired for doing once, that's for sure.

Dr.Grass said:
She should've just ignored her sexism angle and reviewed it as a friggin' videogame then she could've continued the dream of hanging out with the boys and playing videogames. I mean, that's all she really wanted isn't it?

BS, she can review it how she sees fit, and she does make valid points, not every review needs to toe the line. Ridiculous. She did review it as a game, of which the characters and story arer a part of. I certainly have some issues with it myself, it isn;t perfect, and the characters could have more depth, instead of relying on cliches and sterotyopes. Shouldn't gaming be trying to move forward in that regard?


People can try to spin it however they like, this is moronic, they are pissed because she gave it a 9, thats what I would give it too.

The Fury said:
Kane1389 said:
The Fury said:

Actually, this is the first GTA game i ever bought (mostly due to hype) so i have no fandom for this franchise as of yet. Nor do i think the score is bad or that he shuld be fired. But his problems with GTA come from his personal agendas and beliefs and thats extremly unprofessional. This is a Grand Theft Auto game, what did he expect? Knocnking down a game for what its famous for is incredibly stupid.

And the ''you'' thing was completly unnecessary

Reviews are there to judge gameplay mechanics, technical aspects and,visual quality as well as to describe the theme, story, setting, gameplay and setting of the game


Her. And how do you know? I find bad female characterisation and abuse of female characters in games to be non-desireable. I can guess that she has played all GTA games and has an opinion on them all and for this one she liked it. She really liked it as else she wouldn't have given it a 9/10. Almost perfect. She said it was imperfect but she never said it was imperfect for it's misogynistic. She also mentioned it was politcally muddled, why are you not focusing on that part also?

Reviews can only review gameplay mechanic, technical aspects and visual quality? What are you on about? A game is a game and all the game should be reviewed, to the gameplay to the story. It's a review not a bunch of facts.

I think it was totally nessecary as you seem to point out her personal opinions because she's female. I've now made other assumptions about you.

It's him, and please stop trying to force that politically correct bullshit down my throat. He is born as a biological male, just because he mutilated his reproductive organ doesnt make him a woman.

And if you find bad female characterisation and abuse of female characters non delsirabe, maybe you shouldnt play GTA? The series have always been that way , and to knock it down because of it would be unprofessional. ld be like knocking down Mario game because i dont like red suits and hats. This also explains why the reviews shouldnt be subjective.

And i already said i dont mind the score nor his opinion, and i never mentioned the specifc reasons he used to knock the game out , just that i know where they are coming from.

Yes, the game should be reviewed as whole. But if i review a game about strict driving physics and the game succeeds at having good physics and im knocking it down because i hate driving physics or prefer arcade style driving, then im being a douchebag. Reviewer should clarify if the game is playable and if it succeeds at doing what it aims to be, as well as the facts i mentioned before. Saying ''this game is/isn't fun, buy/don't buy it because i enjoyed/didn't enjoyed it'' is stupid

Same applies here. He reviewed a game where you can raid banks, steal cars, do drugs, vandalise the city, mass murder civilians, blow up buildings, pick up whores, torture NPCs and kill police and law enforcement, but being disrespectuf towards women is just WAAAY TOO FAR, right? 

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Kane1389 said:

It's him, and please stop trying to force that politically correct bullshit down my throat. He is born as a biological male, just because he mutilated his reproductive organ doesnt make him a woman.

And if you find bad female characterisation and abuse of female characters non delsirabe, maybe you shouldnt play GTA? The series have always been that way , and to knock it down because of it would be unprofessional. ld be like knocking down Mario game because i dont like red suits and hats. This also explains why the reviews shouldnt be subjective.

And i already said i dont mind the score nor his opinion, and i never mentioned the specifc reasons he used to knock the game out , just that i know where they are coming from.

Yes, the game should be reviewed as whole. But if i review a game about strict driving physics and the game succeeds at having good physics and im knocking it down because i hate driving physics or prefer arcade style driving, then im being a douchebag. Reviewer should clarify if the game is playable and if it succeeds at doing what it aims to be, as well as the facts i mentioned before. Saying ''this game is/isn't fun, buy/don't buy it because i enjoyed/didn't enjoyed it'' is stupid

Same applies here. He reviewed a game where you can raid banks, steal cars, do drugs, vandalise the city, mass murder civilians, blow up buildings, pick up whores, torture NPCs and kill police and law enforcement, but being disrespectuf towards women is just WAAAY TOO FAR, right? 

She identifies herself as female, so I will call her as such due to respect/politeness, nothing to do with political correctness.

Also, I haven't even bought the game, I'm only defending someones review of a game. Subjective in a way to also appeal to users and highlight things some gamers might have an issue with, this includes female gamers and the games portrayal of women. Story/characterisation should be included in a review.

But the fact you keep saying a game review should be objective, well, here is my answer:

Hmm, pie.

The Fury said:
Kane1389 said:

It's him, and please stop trying to force that politically correct bullshit down my throat. He is born as a biological male, just because he mutilated his reproductive organ doesnt make him a woman.

And if you find bad female characterisation and abuse of female characters non delsirabe, maybe you shouldnt play GTA? The series have always been that way , and to knock it down because of it would be unprofessional. ld be like knocking down Mario game because i dont like red suits and hats. This also explains why the reviews shouldnt be subjective.

And i already said i dont mind the score nor his opinion, and i never mentioned the specifc reasons he used to knock the game out , just that i know where they are coming from.

Yes, the game should be reviewed as whole. But if i review a game about strict driving physics and the game succeeds at having good physics and im knocking it down because i hate driving physics or prefer arcade style driving, then im being a douchebag. Reviewer should clarify if the game is playable and if it succeeds at doing what it aims to be, as well as the facts i mentioned before. Saying ''this game is/isn't fun, buy/don't buy it because i enjoyed/didn't enjoyed it'' is stupid

Same applies here. He reviewed a game where you can raid banks, steal cars, do drugs, vandalise the city, mass murder civilians, blow up buildings, pick up whores, torture NPCs and kill police and law enforcement, but being disrespectuf towards women is just WAAAY TOO FAR, right? 

She identifies herself as female, so I will call her as such due to respect/politeness, nothing to do with political correctness.

Also, I haven't even bought the game, I'm only defending someones review of a game. Subjective in a way to also appeal to users and highlight things some gamers might have an issue with, this includes female gamers and the games portrayal of women. Story/characterisation should be included in a review.

But the fact you keep saying a game review should be objective, well, here is my answer:

Gross. Using Sterling's trolling (that he gave in response to his awful FF13 review) as some sort of justification is just dumb. This whole argument is dumb, and the reviewer would have given better reasons for docking score, it wouldn't be an issue.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Dont want to get too far off topic so i will just post my opinion and not respond to anyone else concerning this. I had a black theology teacher. We had an excercise where he describe someones life. What they looked like how they self identified among 4 or so other qualifications. We did it just for race and just for black and white for simplicitly. But i dont think you can just say you are black when you look white, "act" white, live a white "life" (these were the qualifications) have white ancestry and then expect people to call you black. And yes, there was someone who would fall under the 5 of 6 categories as white but self identified as black.

In my opinion its a dude. Until he changes his genes and gets female reproductive organs

Her opinion which happens to shed light on a very blatant truth in today's gaming world. In an environment full of Call of Duties, Grand Theft Auto's and Saints Row style games the gaming community as a whole has stopped trying to make truly unique and imaginative games and has settled for giving every 15 year old boy a a rage boner with how much they can destroyed at any given time.

Grand Theft Auto has been shit since Vice City and everyone knows it. But as long as the dominate force behind the money are neglecting parents who buy these games for their teenage boys who then demand more of the same well, we're in a death cycle of imagination.

killerzX said:
gwrath said:
killerzX said:
nuckles87 said:
killerzX said:
nuckles87 said:

It's episodes like this that bring out the worst in the game community.

She's a transexual. So if she says she's a she, then she's a she. Calling her a "he" is just being grossly disrespectful. Sexual identity is more then just black and white.

It's ironic seeing the gaming community actually react to a review's substance for a change..only for it to react to it in the most immature way imaginable. Misogyny IS a problem in gaming. In the community, in the industry, in the product. No, it isn't a universal truth and it can certainly be overblown by the feminists, but it IS an issue nonetheless, and it would not surprise in the least if GTA5 has that problem. She isn't saying it's a bad game because of it, but if she thinks that is a problem, she has every right to address it.

WagnerPaiva said:
I already pre-ordered the game, but, well, I respect her opinion, I don´t agree, but respect. If we start this kind of argument, every "save the princess" game is misoginistic. That is just dumb, it is a video game, it suposed to be fun, nothing more.

For reviewers who do this for a living, video games are more then that. They are art. Complaining about misogyny in a game's story comes hand in hand with treating it like art. What you advocate is that we treat video games as toys. If you want to, that's fine, but I think that ignores all the work video game makers put into their product.

if i say im the queen of england, will you call me that, or if a consider myself a "zer" or a tree or Blue. will you be disrespectful.

This is incredibly ignorant. Sexuality is not nearly a clean cut as you like to think. Transexuality is not caused by people playing pretend: these people physically and mentally IDENTIFY as another sex, just as you identify yourself as a heterosexual man. There is a lot of mystery surrounding human sexuality, and a lot of scientific evidence pointing towards biological causes for it, while any theories or papers advocating psychological reasons ranging from questionable to completely unfounded.

Though, either way, NO ONE in the scientific community is advocating what you are: that they are just faking it. Which, again, is incredibly ignorant and disrespectful.

Like it or not, Carolyn is a woman, and you calling her otherwise would be tantamount to some ignorant stranger calling you a woman.

i identify as the color blue. please respect that.

and as long as he has an X and Y chromosome, he's a guy. deal with it.

People like yourself with no tolerance for others are becoming the minority. Deal with it.

oh i torerate people like him, but just because he has a disorder that inspired him to cut off his penis, doesnt mean i have to call him a girl.

I like being scientificly and biologically correct with my pronouns.

Except biology isn't that clear cut, as I've already demonstrated, but you are gleefully ignoring because I guess you just love sounding ignorant, rude and closed minded.

landguy1 said:

Unfortunately, if your looking to make an intelligent remark that requires people to respond in kind on these threads, you are in for a long wait.  The more time or thought that you put into your response, the less likely that the person you are commenting to will respond in kind.  Not always the case, but more often than not.  Especially when you take up a social issue.

That's a sad fact that I accepted long ago. Because people who talk like this usually do so because they have no interest in expanding their world view.

Nsanity said:

Sorry for being off topic, but what restrooms would she be allowed to use?

Given that she identifies as a woman....the women's restroom, obviously.