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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Angry readers want Gamespot reviewer fired after her GTA V review

wow she looks very manly.

If she should die its because of her looks, not her opinion on a game that is probably way overated anyway. I aint played it yet so I cant say for sure. All I know is, I'm not buying this game until I try it. Not after GTA4.

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

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The funniest thing about this to me is over on another site, people who agreed with reviews that docked points from W101 because it was on Wii U defended the rights of reviewers and are not attacking a reviewer over their opinion.

"Th3PANO 19 hours ago Nobody outside of gaming takes the industry serious. Outraging crying nerds are one of the reason."
Couldn't agree more. I stopped supporting one company over their fanbase acting that way. Sometimes I hate to admit I am a gamer because of how we must look to outsiders when you have grown men acting like 12 year old kids on some webistes

ListerOfSmeg said:
The funniest thing about this to me is over on another site, people who agreed with reviews that docked points from W101 because it was on Wii U defended the rights of reviewers and are not attacking a reviewer over their opinion.

"Th3PANO 19 hours ago Nobody outside of gaming takes the industry serious. Outraging crying nerds are one of the reason."
Couldn't agree more. I stopped supporting one company over their fanbase acting that way. Sometimes I hate to admit I am a gamer because of how we must look to outsiders when you have grown men acting like 12 year old kids on some webistes

That's what our society has evolved into. Incapable men with lack of social and "inner" communication.

We have a mass psychological disorder in our society. People can't cope with problems anymore, any little pressure they resort to life threatening measures.

VGchartz doesn't exclude itself from the bunch.

ListerOfSmeg said:

"Th3PANO 19 hours ago Nobody outside of gaming takes the industry serious. Outraging crying nerds are one of the reason."
Couldn't agree more. I stopped supporting one company over their fanbase acting that way. Sometimes I hate to admit I am a gamer because of how we must look to outsiders when you have grown men acting like 12 year old kids on some webistes

I've heard this a lot lately, and I while I understand it, I think it encapsulates a problem with the industry.

In my mind, part of the reason why people treat gaming like it's something to be ashamed of is because too many gamers seem to see it the same way as well, if not for it being "childish" then for the childish people who are often associated with it. It seems to me people can get a little too wrapped up in how their medium is perceived, which makes them less proactive in challenging those perceptions.

I believe in honesty, civility, generosity, practicality, and impartiality.

curl-6 said:

A review is an opinion.
If they don't like hers, tough.
It's not her job to pander to fanboys.

I don't doubt for a second that GTA5 is strongly misogynistic, GTA4 was.

She's far from the only reviewer to call out this game for its protrayal of women. I think it was Polygon that said that the women on the boxart were more complex than the women in the actual game.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

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Mythmaker1 said:
ListerOfSmeg said:

"Th3PANO 19 hours ago Nobody outside of gaming takes the industry serious. Outraging crying nerds are one of the reason."
Couldn't agree more. I stopped supporting one company over their fanbase acting that way. Sometimes I hate to admit I am a gamer because of how we must look to outsiders when you have grown men acting like 12 year old kids on some webistes

I've heard this a lot lately, and I while I understand it, I think it encapsulates a problem with the industry.

In my mind, part of the reason why people treat gaming like it's something to be ashamed of is because too many gamers seem to see it the same way as well, if not for it being "childish" then for the childish people who are often associated with it. It seems to me people can get a little too wrapped up in how their medium is perceived, which makes them less proactive in challenging those perceptions.

No I am not ashamed of gaming. I am shamed by how gamers act. Completely different things.

Nsanity said:
fighter said:


Who is that?

just a gamespot commentator

ListerOfSmeg said:
Mythmaker1 said:
ListerOfSmeg said:

"Th3PANO 19 hours ago Nobody outside of gaming takes the industry serious. Outraging crying nerds are one of the reason."
Couldn't agree more. I stopped supporting one company over their fanbase acting that way. Sometimes I hate to admit I am a gamer because of how we must look to outsiders when you have grown men acting like 12 year old kids on some webistes

I've heard this a lot lately, and I while I understand it, I think it encapsulates a problem with the industry.

In my mind, part of the reason why people treat gaming like it's something to be ashamed of is because too many gamers seem to see it the same way as well, if not for it being "childish" then for the childish people who are often associated with it. It seems to me people can get a little too wrapped up in how their medium is perceived, which makes them less proactive in challenging those perceptions.

No I am not ashamed of gaming. I am shamed by how gamers act. Completely different things.

So, you're shamed because the childish people who are often associated with gaming affects how the medium is perceived?

I believe in honesty, civility, generosity, practicality, and impartiality.

Like the sessler thing i think people need to know what misogyny is. Because there is characters that treat women like shit doesnt make it misogynistic... or do you think the real world doesnt have these or strippers/prostitutes

Serious_frusting said:

wow she looks very manly.

If she should die its because of her looks, not her opinion on a game that is probably way overated anyway. I aint played it yet so I cant say for sure. All I know is, I'm not buying this game until I try it. Not after GTA4.

She's transgender. Meaning she used to be a man. I think a lot of people don't know that, but it's true. Not everyone can look like Pamela Anderson, so come on.

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