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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Angry readers want Gamespot reviewer fired after her GTA V review

Gamers are a terrible bunch. Another reason numbered scores are stupid.

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retards will always be retards. The trick is for everyone to ignore them.

HoloDust said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

News flash: There are a growing number of female gamers in the gaming industry and they want to enjoy games just as much as males do. Theres no agenda, the game has been misogynist since GTA 3. This is a fact not an opinion. Another female reviewer on IGN didn't talk about the misogynism, but she gave her opinion once or twice in the review. Do you want them to fire her too? Perhaps they should fire Tara Long from Rev 3 games. No one is being PC because they are playing a very non-pc game and giving it remarkably high scores but also preparing the audience for what it entails to exist in such a world.

@bold - Maybe you should take a deep breath or two and read again what I wrote before putting the words in my mouth next time...

Other than that, news flash for you: creators of GTA (or whatever other piece of art/entertainment) have every right to make their story and characters however they feel like it. That's their prerogative.  I have no problem if reviewers are informing their audience about some of the things that are in game and that some might find offensive. But I do, and always will, have a problem with them giving negative point to  the game (and I suggest you go to Gamespot and look up under The Bad) for not being politically correct...and that's agenda right there.

Sorry for misreading the part where you said she shouldn't be fired. I was reading most of the responses and got caught up through speed reading. Reviews are generally capricious which is why GTA has always been given such high reviews. It's never 100% objective even from our favorite reviewers, its just an arbitrary tool or guideline to help us understand what we're about to buy. We're human and we're flawed but we're trying so hard to be f'n robots. She gave a warning signal that the game is for mature audiences and of course most moms arent going to be looking at reviews this is what non-gaming moms generally look at in reviews from my sales experience. They want your honest opinion, not just a 100% objective review. I saw the good and the bad and yes, her bullet points on both the good and bad were not majorly objective, but the review itself was. I found her review to be refreshingly different from other reviews because yes as you can see  I value humanism and thats where we meet at a crossroad. 

I feel sorry for Carolyn Petit, she has gotten so much shit from gamers since she started. I'm glad she doesn't give in and continues to do what she loves.

The Fury said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

 Another female reviewer on IGN didn't talk about the misogynism, but she gave her opinion once or twice in the review. Do you want them to fire her too? Perhaps they should fire Tara Long from Rev 3 games. 

Why not take it to the next level, lets get rid of all females from the industry. Whether they are programmers, writers, modellers, CEOs, reviewers, owners. They'll just push their agenda on to us. We can't have that. 

As If the industry we loved so much wasnt enough of a sausage-fest, they want to keep it that way. 

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What a bunch of morons.
She reviewed the game, she gave her personal opinion, she gave her personal feelings about the game.
As some games get more into story and less into gameplay, it´s just natural that some reviewers may not feel good about its content, just like when reading a book of watching a movie.
So what´s the point in firing her ?
It´s that kind of thing that still make most of the media don´t take videogames -and its fans - seriously

Great, yet another example of why the video game audience is seen as immature. Seriously, making a petition to get someone fired?! Yes, lets fire someone for doing their job...

If you have a problem with reviews on a website or reviews written by an individual, stop reading them. Find somewhere else to get your reviews... like the majority of the population do.

hsrob said:
Kane1389 said:
mjo011 said:
Makes me emabarrassed to be a gamer. The wole point of a review is that it should be subjective.

No, the whole point of the review is to review the quality of the game and that isn't subjective. I can not like a certain game or genre but i shouldnt deny its quality if its there

Game quality isn't subjective?  What universe do you live in?  If quality wasn't subjective each game would get the same scores from every person who reviewed them because they would be scored against a standard, structured, metric with no need for a narrative component. Anyone who thinks game reviews conform to this standard and are a legitimately objective assessment of a game's quality is kidding themselves. In the real world all reviews, in all types of media, are just opinion pieces, the scores are just for the benefit of people with short attention spans.

If your purpose for reviewing a game is to attempt inform others about whether the game is worthy of purchase for them you might attempt to limit the impact that particular personal preferences of yours affect the review (and score) but it is impossible to separate this out completely, it is human nature. Furthermore if a particular aspect of a game annoys or troubles you, not only should you mention it, it is your obligation to address it in the review because in the big wide world of gamers there will be a whole host of gamers who will have similar predilections and will place value on this particular bit of information.

If she had said the game was objectively great but I don't like the overt sexism so I'm giving it a 5, people might have some cause for complaint but at the end of the day it is still her opinion and if you don't like it, you move onto the review of someone who's thoughts and opinions are more in line with your own.

You would not see this attitude towards a review of any kind anywhere except in the gaming industry, and I agree, it is embarrassing.

Completely true. While a review should always objectively describe the product at hand, the main point of the review is to describe its quality. And as you said, quality is always subjective. People may claim that quality is objective, but that makes me wonder if they are either 9 years old or if they never learned about writing this genre at school.

And if say, GTA IV has a metascore of 96, then every reviewer that hands out a different score is wrong? Their opinions don't count? Makes no sense.

Kane1389 said:
I really dont care about the score, but its really obvious why ''she'' has problems with GTA themes. I mean, ''she'' criticized GTA for being too sexist and dirty??? Its the fucking GTA...

Now when i think of a woman, that's what I think of right there in that sig!

nuckles87 said:
killerzX said:
nuckles87 said:

It's episodes like this that bring out the worst in the game community.

She's a transexual. So if she says she's a she, then she's a she. Calling her a "he" is just being grossly disrespectful. Sexual identity is more then just black and white.

It's ironic seeing the gaming community actually react to a review's substance for a change..only for it to react to it in the most immature way imaginable. Misogyny IS a problem in gaming. In the community, in the industry, in the product. No, it isn't a universal truth and it can certainly be overblown by the feminists, but it IS an issue nonetheless, and it would not surprise in the least if GTA5 has that problem. She isn't saying it's a bad game because of it, but if she thinks that is a problem, she has every right to address it.

WagnerPaiva said:
I already pre-ordered the game, but, well, I respect her opinion, I don´t agree, but respect. If we start this kind of argument, every "save the princess" game is misoginistic. That is just dumb, it is a video game, it suposed to be fun, nothing more.

For reviewers who do this for a living, video games are more then that. They are art. Complaining about misogyny in a game's story comes hand in hand with treating it like art. What you advocate is that we treat video games as toys. If you want to, that's fine, but I think that ignores all the work video game makers put into their product.

if i say im the queen of england, will you call me that, or if a consider myself a "zer" or a tree or Blue. will you be disrespectful.

This is incredibly ignorant. Sexuality is not nearly a clean cut as you like to think. Transexuality is not caused by people playing pretend: these people physically and mentally IDENTIFY as another sex, just as you identify yourself as a heterosexual man. There is a lot of mystery surrounding human sexuality, and a lot of scientific evidence pointing towards biological causes for it, while any theories or papers advocating psychological reasons ranging from questionable to completely unfounded.

Though, either way, NO ONE in the scientific community is advocating what you are: that they are just faking it. Which, again, is incredibly ignorant and disrespectful.

Like it or not, Carolyn is a woman, and you calling her otherwise would be tantamount to some ignorant stranger calling you a woman.

i identify as the color blue. please respect that.

and as long as he has an X and Y chromosome, he's a guy. deal with it.