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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox One has been “Beta Tested in the Future” ad states

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landguy1 said:
richardhutnik said:
landguy1 said:
The haters are working so hard to try and put down the XB1, they are even after the advertising.

Microsoft is a big enough company they don't need it to have "lovers" and they can withstand people pointing out, and making fun of, really stupid ad campaigns they have run.  Every since the Orthy fiasco, they have manifested pretty large degree of incompetence in the communication department, so why not point out the stupidity once again?

The ONE is an electronic device that plays games, and does other living room hub activity.  Why you are considered about people putting it down, is beyond me, outside of your are getting personally hurt that a company that could care less you even exist (outside of your wallet) has one of their products being bashed for a stupid ad campaign.  One of their meanings of that spot is their product will be beta tested by consumers.  Others is that it is futureproof, which is the same stupidity Sony tried to run for the PS3.  And everyone is supposed to just shut up and make sure Microsoft's consumer offering isn't "put down"?  Really?

Wow, from me making a comment abot people hating on an ad you come to the conclusion that I believe that M$ cares about me???  Wow, what an imagination.  I'm speaking about an ad and you are going on about it impacting me personally?  Like you said, it is just an ad, nothing more.  My statement was about how people (haters) seem to pile on and bash the ad just to do so.  If this was the only ad they were using and was the centerpiece of their advertising campaign I would agree that it was lacking.  Not every ad is going to connect with every user, that's why there are son many different kinds of ads.  This one obviously will not connect with the haters, as they are trying to be clever and only someone who doesn't have a predisposed opinion will be open to it.  So, haters are going to hate.

Ever single flaw and issue will get pounced upon.  And this spot likewise deserves to be pounced on.  And they may do other ones, so will see.  But a good spot is rarely picked on.  Kevin Butler wasn't picked on, because it was good and didn't work.  The OUYA puke ad was, justifiably so.

walsufnir said:
Frequency said:
Or what they mean is the early adopters will be the lab rats while they finish the OS

This applies to both systems.

To be fair, its the same for all systems, I vividly remember half the functions of my week-after-launch 3DS being disabled and just showing a "will be added in a future update" message - and there was no e-shop at all.

To this day, that launch firmware for 3DS is probably the most crippled, laughable excuse for a firmware i have ever whitnessed in a new device.

It means it was beta tested in the future, so they discovered that there was no need for ddr4 since they could emulate it using ddr3 and esram :P

Smartest nam evila

Current Platforms: HighendPC[rip]/PS4/PS3[rip]/Vita[rip]

Did they hire sony's 2006 marketing team?

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Does none get this?

the are saying, xbox one is futureproof. They are saying its more than a ps3.5. I agree with Microsoft. Ps4 feels like last gen with better visuals. Xbox one feels like more than that. It feels special.

selnor1983 said:
Does none get this?

the are saying, xbox one is futureproof. They are saying its more than a ps3.5. I agree with Microsoft. Ps4 feels like last gen with better visuals. Xbox one feels like more than that. It feels special.

There must be some kind of subliminal messaging that 99% of the people in this forum don't get then ;)

You are right though, it's special alright.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

Madword said:
selnor1983 said:
Does none get this?

the are saying, xbox one is futureproof. They are saying its more than a ps3.5. I agree with Microsoft. Ps4 feels like last gen with better visuals. Xbox one feels like more than that. It feels special.

There must be some kind of subliminal messaging that 99% of the people in this forum don't get then ;)

You are right though, it's special alright.

I just thought it was pretty obvious. They went to the future beta tested there vision for 5-6 years from now and came back. Basically saying xbox one is ready not just for today. But tommorrow also. 

selnor1983 said:
Madword said:
selnor1983 said:
Does none get this?

the are saying, xbox one is futureproof. They are saying its more than a ps3.5. I agree with Microsoft. Ps4 feels like last gen with better visuals. Xbox one feels like more than that. It feels special.

There must be some kind of subliminal messaging that 99% of the people in this forum don't get then ;)

You are right though, it's special alright.

I just thought it was pretty obvious. They went to the future beta tested there vision for 5-6 years from now and came back. Basically saying xbox one is ready not just for today. But tommorrow also.

Read what you typed back to yourself... and see if you can see the obvious mistake.

... they tested it in the future.... which means it's not been tested yet.... how far into the future... wow they tested it in 5-6 years from now once all the users got the box already ;) - So now they are time travelling..

It's just a poor tatement that doesn't read well in terms of a single statement. Also don't know how you got from that statement that they are saying the PS4 feels like last gen with better visuals. That makes the XboxOne current gen with slightly better visuals? Very confused by your statements to be honest. You didnt write the ad for them did you ;)

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

selnor1983 said:
Madword said:
selnor1983 said:
Does none get this?

the are saying, xbox one is futureproof. They are saying its more than a ps3.5. I agree with Microsoft. Ps4 feels like last gen with better visuals. Xbox one feels like more than that. It feels special.

There must be some kind of subliminal messaging that 99% of the people in this forum don't get then ;)

You are right though, it's special alright.

I just thought it was pretty obvious. They went to the future beta tested there vision for 5-6 years from now and came back. Basically saying xbox one is ready not just for today. But tommorrow also. 

It is pretty obvious to me too.

I LOVE paying for Xbox Live! I also love that my love for it pisses off so many people.