MDMAlliance said:
MDMAlliance said:
forest-spirit said:
Good stuff. Digital will be around 15% I reckon, we will see come Wednesday the rought split anyway.
itsuropinionnotfact said: now imagine if this game is on The blew it by letting nintendo take it as an exclusive... |
it would sell significantly less because the installbase doesn´t compare favourably
FrancisNobleman said: Anyone knows the psp software and hardware numbers for p3rd ? for comparisons sake. |
We have it at:
1,972,410 software.
328,711 hardware.
For the week Portable 3rd released. Since VGChartz seems to take the mid point between Media Create & Famitsu numbers, these seem as good as any to quote.
Few things to keep in mind:
- Portable 3rd wasn't available digitally on the day it released; only physical.
- 6th year in PSP's life (7th, technically) vs. 3rd year in 3DS' life.
- PSP had an install-base of ~16m at the time; 3DS is on ~12m at the moment.
who cares how many copies did Monster Hunter portable3rd sold when it came out. The thing is analysts keep saying the phone industry is holding back the video game industry. By looking at the launch of Monster Hunter 4 is right to say that the problem are the developers designing the same gameplay again and again without letting time pass. It could be good having a game of the franchise once per generation, but once per year is just pushing it too much. The western audience is just out of their mind supporting and defending those things.
cbarroso09 said: who cares how many copies did Monster Hunter portable3rd sold when it came out. The thing is analysts keep saying the phone industry is holding back the video game industry. By looking at the launch of Monster Hunter 4 is right to say that the problem are the developers designing the same gameplay again and again without letting time pass. It could be good having a game of the franchise once per generation, but once per year is just pushing it too much. The western audience is just out of their mind supporting and defending those things. |
I love Monster Hunter, but the gameplay is the same every game (with different monsters and sometimes different weapons). And Capcom releases a MH game port practically every your comment makes no sense.
Nintendo and PC gamer
Oh if you think this is bad, just wait til GTA5 & Pokmon XY release. MADNESS!!!!!
“Don’t follow the hype, follow the games”
— |
Here a little quote I want for those to keep memorize in your head for this coming next gen. By: Suke |