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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Amalur IP heads to auction this month

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Played KoA:R thanks to PS+ and honestly meh, just couldn't get into it, I may give it another shot later.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

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Cool. Wondering who picks it up. Maybe From software? Would love it if Nintendo bought it, but that's really far fetched.

i really love the game. $90 million taxpayer money? da fuq?

I would love to see this series continue. I have not played the full game yet, but I enjoyed the demo and my friends can't stop talking about it. I'm just afraid of purchasing it due to some bugs I heard about. I had my fill with Skyrim lol At least the latter has a team still working on it if necessary (or had at least).


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BasilZero said:
snyps said:
i really love the game. $90 million taxpayer money? da fuq?

I was surprised too to find out the IP was owned by one of the states in the United States lol.

My taxes are going somewhere i approve!

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The story of this game and it's studio always makes me a little sad. It was an admirably ambitious endeavor, and the studio's founder may have had potential to expand the audience of gaming, fantasy gaming, MMORPG's to a whole lot of people. But bad business planning sunk them fast.