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Forums - General Discussion - Are you shy?

I'm not, but I'm guessing a lot of you are, seeing as you steered clear from my last thread.

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I'm a motha fuckin' gansta. No, I ain't shy.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

no I'm not shy i love being around other people

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

I wouldn't say I'm shy, just overly self-conscious. In large crowds, I tend not to talk as much, but in one on one situations I'm usually fine.

As to your other thread, I saw the title and immediately thought "Lock." 

Yes, but only on the internet.

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okr said:
Yes, but only on the internet.

Well that just makes no sense whatsoever. :P

Btw, the Hobbes avatar is killer.  :) 

Around cute girls I am sometimes. Depends. For everyone else im very outgoing though.

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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I'm very shy in real life. Oops I guess the Internet is part of real life so I guess I'm just really shy in person.

Yes. Which makes me able to be more open when on the Internet, because I never really have the power to in real life. Damn that sounds gay, but I guess it's the truth.


Weel, it makes sense in my case, I think. I'm a member of ioi's brilliant site since last may and fascinated of its content and its discussiond every day, but I started posting only today. fkusumot and dsdoverpsp convinced me...

And yes, Hobbes is great. IMO he's the best character in the best US comic ever created (the drawings, the humour and the depth are amazing).

BTW: How do you quote a post?