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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox One is Hot Property as gamers cross countries to get one

It used to be very common to order things from overseas markets to get them. Now with the internet it is too easy. 6-7 hours is not that big of deal. I would guess they will buy 3 + units and their reound trip and the console they keep is paid for after reselling 2 of them.

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If you look it up on google maps, it take 3 hours to get there, and keep in mind it's a lot easier to cross borders in Europe, and google maps is usually off by a decent amount.

pezus said:
They know there's a thing called ordering online and having it shipped to you, right?

Yeah I was just thinking, when I was still living in the Netherlands I was ordering stuff from the US and UK all the time. Games, movies, DVD player, Macrovision blocker. And hopping accross the border to buy something is easy, the border is nothing more then a sign saying welcome to .....

Stark contrast with hopping accross the border from Canada to the US

And when I went through there with a dutch pasport, they took it from me and made me wait for over an hour in a concrete waiting room for my name to be called, to get finger printed, photographed and pay $6 for a visa waiver before I could continue. Luckily I was prepared that time and had US change. The previous time crossing at St Bernard de Lacolle they made me walk back across the border to get correct change.

GamechaserBE said:
My Xbox one will come from France :).
I buy my shit in the Netherlands and half of my entertainment from UK(Amazon.UK)

I guess it is not that special living in Europe =p;

Not a smart idea if you ask me. The Xbox One is region free when it comes to retail games, but not digital ones. The last includes DLC.

So think twice before you buy it from abroad. Waiting is annoying, but is a safer bet. Unless you never buy DLC, in that case ignore my comment ;)

Why can't they just buy a PS4 with a lot less hassle

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melbye said:
Why can't they just buy a PS4 with a lot less hassle

High demand = price gouging in places not available.


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DestructorGT said:
Xenostar said:
thought they confirmed you wont be able to connect to the xbox store from the wrong countries.

Got to admire that dedication tho.

Wait, what? Source please

Apologies i was wrong, Xbox twitter support did say that, but that has since been corrected. 

They now just recomend you wait for your own coutries store, but you can connect to any store as long as you have a payment method that will work. 

So its all fine. 

melbye said:
Why can't they just buy a PS4 with a lot less hassle

Because some people (like me for example) do not like sony, playstation, or their games.

Jadedx said:
melbye said:
Why can't they just buy a PS4 with a lot less hassle

Because some people (like me for example) do not like sony, playstation, or their games.

His sig was the dead giveaway.

I would be surprised if people wouldnt plan going to other countries to buy one. If some Item I really want would have been released only in France or Switzerland or Austria or the Czech Republic I would drive there too.