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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Companies forced to do sequels...

Twisted Metal for the PS3 here we come!

The Ghost of RubangB said:
1: Stop making shooters. Please. You're not Valve or Free Radical.
2: Stop trying to force photo-realism down my throat until you can get out of the uncanny valley. Work on style and presentation instead of just pixels and bloom.
3: Try something weird and new, and hope we like it.

You'll cut costs way more than you cut revenue, and thus increase profit.
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4D Gamer III said:
Twisted Metal for the PS3 here we come!

I can't tell if Twisted Metal will be a worthy addition to the series as we haven't see any footage or know anything about it. You know the game is forced when company like Travelers Tales is hired to do it... "People want figure out and make it...we pay money" Who owns the TM licence these days?

Naughty Dog is owned by Sony

anyway, think IW, activision tried to force them to do a COD every year, and they refused, so the COD name is not really a series, each game is different and now every other one will be made by different devs. Anyway, I feel that CoD 4 was so far from CoD 3 that they are not really part of the same series

well if they are a hit, of course they are encouraged to do sequels. Established names usually sell better than new franchises.

mmnin said:
well if they are a hit, of course they are encouraged to do sequels. Established names usually sell better than new franchises.

Thats all fine but just like with anyone there comes a point in a game developer's life when they want to start doing what they want to do for a living rather than doing what they have to do to make money. This is how gret studios get ruined. Rare anyone...

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well technically, u can't "force" somebody to make a game so Iso. could have refused if they wanted to

wiiforever said:
well technically, u can't "force" somebody to make a game so Iso. could have refused if they wanted to

Kind of like how a robber can't "force" somebody to give him money but, on an unrelated note, can shoot him.

If a developer doesn't like how the publisher is treating them can't they buy themeselves out into an independent Game Company, or does the Publisher keeps the majority of the profits

Words Of Wisdom said:
wiiforever said:
well technically, u can't "force" somebody to make a game so Iso. could have refused if they wanted to

Kind of like how a robber can't "force" somebody to give him money but, on an unrelated note, can shoot him.

Not a bad analogy... Some developers do need to take a bullet.

Let's start with Sonic Team and move down from there. Maybe Treyarch next, then move on over to Factor 5. 

Or check out my new webcomic:

rocketpig said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
wiiforever said:
well technically, u can't "force" somebody to make a game so Iso. could have refused if they wanted to

Kind of like how a robber can't "force" somebody to give him money but, on an unrelated note, can shoot him.

Not a bad analogy... Some developers do need to take a bullet.

Let's start with Sonic Team and move down from there. Maybe Treyarch next, then move on over to Factor 5.

Pretty funny...but lets give Factor 5 another shot before we stat firing.  Lair may have been bad but nothing else jumps to mind that would warrant murder death kill.