lol 1 year old rumour.
selnor1983 said:
2. There could be numerous reasons as to why certain developers are dropping the resolution. Including running out of time to rewrite code. Noone knows how long developers have had final devkits for either console. 3. Forza 5 and Killer Instinct are getting praise for being the smoothest games at events like Gamescom and Pax. Sounds like concentrating on 60 fps was massively smart for launch titles. If Killer Instinct sells well, Im sure the next game will be native 1080p and 60 fps, wjilst having even more of tose amazing particle effects they have. The game already looks stunning. Best fighter visuals by a country mile. 4. I think Sony is setting its fans up for disappointment. What happens if this rumour is true? And its unlocked for 2nd wave games. Is possible, and will make Sony PS4 hugely underpowered in comparison. |
Telling ya now when those multi platform game comparisons start coming in your gonna be very dissapointed.
If the rumour is true, then more fool MS for letting pre orders slip away and allowing the mass market to believe thats its the weaker console, it can be hard to turn around mass opinion.
Plus Sony have shown many games running at 60fps including killzone MP and Infamous Second Son, two genres far more difficult to do that in than a 1 on 1 fighter and a car game. so im not sure what your blithering about saying theres been no evidence of more powerfull hardware.
And isn't Killzone: SF and Driveclub AAA disc-based games? Or did I miss something?
While it would be nifty, I doubt that cramming an extra GPU layer into that package could be feasibly cooled.
That is my issue as well. If the PS4 is truly 50% more powerful (or whatever the number is), wouldn't it show in the launch games? Wouldn't Battlefield be able to handle 1080p, for instance? Wouldn't the PS4 truly be a step above the X1 games?
vfguy said: That is my issue as well. If the PS4 is truly 50% more powerful (or whatever the number is), wouldn't it show in the launch games? Wouldn't Battlefield be able to handle 1080p, for instance? Wouldn't the PS4 truly be a step above the X1 games? |
Launch titles are rushed and never really tap into the full power of a console, is this your first console launch? Compare resistance fall of man to uncharted 2......................
Also who said there won't? Drive club > graphically then forza 5. Games are not out, videos are hardly a good way to compare games, they simply do not show a difference. I have been a PC gamer for years everytime they show a video of PC versus console it doens't look much different, but when you sit down in front of it and play...the hgraphical difference jumps out.
Putin said:
Do you have any proof? I mean real proof that XBO can offload more than PS4? Or it's asumptions created by the knowledge about some co-proc? And btw, what those co-procs do exactly, do you know? Or again, asumption...
And one more thing, noone has found XBO more powerful. Noone. |
Notice all the extra co processors aside from the core GPU. Its this core GPU TFLOPS figure used in comparison to PS4's GPU TFLOPS. It will be interesting as PS4 in its entirety only has 7 co processors. Xbox One has 15 on the GPU side alone.
Be interesting to see how this turns out. Microsoft did say dont always believe whats on paper. And that it may turn out that design is better than numbers. They look to have the design to back up their claim. Tey did pay AMD 1.2 billion more than Sony for their APU design.
The way I think, this dGPU could handle things like - coding video(recorder one), proccess TV channel video, Kinect video/audio, that stuff. Because utilize two of them for a game, could be a challenge for a developer. Why would they make it that complex instead creating APU = CPU+GPU+GPU2.
vfguy said: That is my issue as well. If the PS4 is truly 50% more powerful (or whatever the number is), wouldn't it show in the launch games? Wouldn't Battlefield be able to handle 1080p, for instance? Wouldn't the PS4 truly be a step above the X1 games? |
Launch titles for PS4 are ahead Xbon in graphics terms... just saying... Battlefiled 4 running in ~900p in PS4 while there is no Xbone footage for now... so it is impossible to compare.
Xenostar said:
Telling ya now when those multi platform game comparisons start coming in your gonna be very dissapointed. If the rumour is true, then more fool MS for letting pre orders slip away and allowing the mass market to believe thats its the weaker console, it can be hard to turn around mass opinion. Plus Sony have shown many games running at 60fps including killzone MP and Infamous Second Son, two genres far more difficult to do that in than a 1 on 1 fighter and a car game. so im not sure what your blithering about saying theres been no evidence of more powerfull hardware. |
Microsoft have shown 3 games in 60 fps. Not sure what you mean. PS3 nearly lost all 3rd party compariosns. But many would have you believe its more powerful.