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Forums - General Discussion - What is the avatar above you saying?

Look, my nose is a tiny little dot.

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Look, I'm a Fox named Fox.


(wonders if other people will get it)

Put the fucking gun down! Put the gun... put the gun down, alright? I came here to talk some sense into you!


Mmmmmmmm i like bacon :P

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(puts gun down but then shine's you to death)


Look at me im a walking talking, shooting, flying, fox. Tails has got nothing on me

I couldn't give a fuck if the charges don't stick... I'm still fucking arresting you.


You sure do like to cuss!

Please FOX, don't kill me. Please, give me one more chance. I give you $10 million. $10 million! All of it, you can have the whole $10 million. I give you $10 million. I give you all $10 million just to let me go. Come on, FOX, $10 million. Its in a vault in Spain, we get on a plane and its all yours. That's $10 million just to spare me.