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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - [UPDATE] Xbox One Could Possibly Feature a Powerful Discrete GPU + APU rumor - New Sources and Info!

nightsurge said:

Apologies, my good sir. It appears I may have made some rash assumptions when I began discussing this with you.

I tend to assume that, when having a discussion with someone on the internet, they meet the minimum requirements of bodily function and have at least basic reading comprehension. If that's not the case, I'll gladly indulge you and point out your fallacy once again. I bolded it above, since you missed it. It is one I see you have repeated multiple times and it is the premise of my comment that spawned this entire tangent.

"Forum Experts already debunked it."

People with technical expertise have explained to you in no uncertain terms that this rumor has no merit.

You see, no one on this thread has done what you keep claiming. Also, the fact that you assume they have high credentials is laughable. While a very very select few (myself included) may have higher than average computer hardware credentials, the majority of thread posters contributing to your claims were not technically advanced and did not offer any credible support for or against the rumors. I assure you I am far from a layman when it comes to these topics, but I assume you are a layman (I believe you even admitted such, yourself), given that you do not ever offer arguments yourself, you simply claim that the arguments of others have already done the work. In hind-sight, I can see why you keep making this false assumption now, since you are a self-proclaimed layman in terms of advanced computer technology.

There have been some posters in this thread that have provided evidence to support the rumor in some regard, and some posters have provided evidence against. I don't think anyone in this thread expects the rumor to have any chance of being accurate, verbatim, as that would be crazy. No one on this thread has been able to adequately confirm or deny the rumor outright. This is what you keep missing, and thus yields your fallacy that "it has no merit or has already been debunked."

If you truly believe in your claim, please feel free to provide any cogent evidence of it. As currently all we have are your unfounded claims and an appearance of a falsely attributed superiority complex bordering on the hyperbolically asinine.

I don't know about you but most of Drkohler's posts have me convinced that this rumour is nothing but hot air (not that I believed it orginally anyway).

Most of the rumours you posted in the OP are just not feasible at this time. If there is any shred of truth to this it'll be one or more of the 8 "unknown" co-processors is capable of offloading some GPU work. No dGPU (the 'dedicated' for one thing should give that away).

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nightsurge said:
dsgrue3 said:
nightsurge said:

Oh dear... it seems you still do not understand the original context of my post. Embarrassing, but I'll explain it to you.

The only reason I made my claim was to directly negate your original claim of supposed "hardware experts" in this thread who had debunked the rumor already. While I later admit the PC hardware part of my post may have been overly generalized, the purpose of my post was to say that your argument had no merit to begin with.

Saying something is debunked because some forum "hardware experts" say so is not logical. Again, I'm not saying the rumor and some of it's more radical claims are even remotely true.

Your analogy is utter non-sense because no one in here is claiming anything to be a fact (other than the opposition saying the Xbox Hardware is fully known, which is wrong) with this rumor. It was completely unnecessary because I was not trying to support the rumor with my claim. I was simply showing the flaws in yours. "Forum Experts already debunked it." What credentials do the majority of these forum posters have and what kind of inside knowledge? None.

"Ford engines must not be capable of being better than Chevy engines because ice cream vendors say so."

Makes no sense. I was merely trying to correct your original fallacy. But you ran a completely different direction with it. Not sure why, but it seemed to stem from emotion.

People with technical expertise have explained to you in no uncertain terms that this rumor has no merit. 

You're basically attempting to level the playing field, despite lacking the credentials to do so. Their analysis has more weight than yours (the layman). What is so difficult to grasp about this?

You're like someone screaming to a biologist about how evolution is bullshit, while knowing nothing about biology. Doesn't make much sense, my friend. Find solace in reality with the rest of us where we don't inject hopes and dreams into arguments because that simply has no impact.

I'm curious, what fallacy do you think I committed since you failed to cite one?

Apologies, my good sir. It appears I may have made some rash assumptions when I began discussing this with you.

I tend to assume that, when having a discussion with someone on the internet, they meet the minimum requirements of bodily function and have at least basic reading comprehension. If that's not the case, I'll gladly indulge you and point out your fallacy once again. I bolded it above, since you missed it. It is one I see you have repeated multiple times and it is the premise of my comment that spawned this entire tangent.

"Forum Experts already debunked it."

People with technical expertise have explained to you in no uncertain terms that this rumor has no merit.

You see, no one on this thread has done what you keep claiming. Also, the fact that you assume they have high credentials is laughable. While a very very select few (myself included) may have higher than average computer hardware credentials, the majority of thread posters contributing to your claims were not technically advanced and did not offer any credible support for or against the rumors. I assure you I am far from a layman when it comes to these topics, but I assume you are a layman (I believe you even admitted such, yourself), given that you do not ever offer arguments yourself, you simply claim that the arguments of others have already done the work. In hind-sight, I can see why you keep making this false assumption now, since you are a self-proclaimed layman in terms of advanced computer technology.

There have been some posters in this thread that have provided evidence to support the rumor in some regard, and some posters have provided evidence against. I don't think anyone in this thread expects the rumor to have any chance of being accurate, verbatim, as that would be crazy. No one on this thread has been able to adequately confirm or deny the rumor outright. This is what you keep missing, and thus yields your fallacy that "it has no merit or has already been debunked."

If you truly believe in your claim, please feel free to provide any cogent evidence of it. As currently all we have are your unfounded claims and an appearance of a falsely attributed superiority complex bordering on the hyperbolically asinine.

Can you post some links up where a reputable sight has backed anything you have said? If this rumour had any merrit then tech sites would have been all over this DGPU? How come non mention it ever???? Or are the rest of us so stupid or blind that we haven't or seen this rumour anywhere but MisterxMedia site???

You keep on side stepping the real questions with your own questions but how come that nobody like Polygon/Eurogamer/techradar and hundreds of others haven't highlighted this rumour?

You know why? cause there is no DGPU!

nightsurge said:
dsgrue3 said:
nightsurge said:

Oh dear... it seems you still do not understand the original context of my post. Embarrassing, but I'll explain it to you.

The only reason I made my claim was to directly negate your original claim of supposed "hardware experts" in this thread who had debunked the rumor already. While I later admit the PC hardware part of my post may have been overly generalized, the purpose of my post was to say that your argument had no merit to begin with.

Saying something is debunked because some forum "hardware experts" say so is not logical. Again, I'm not saying the rumor and some of it's more radical claims are even remotely true.

Your analogy is utter non-sense because no one in here is claiming anything to be a fact (other than the opposition saying the Xbox Hardware is fully known, which is wrong) with this rumor. It was completely unnecessary because I was not trying to support the rumor with my claim. I was simply showing the flaws in yours. "Forum Experts already debunked it." What credentials do the majority of these forum posters have and what kind of inside knowledge? None.

"Ford engines must not be capable of being better than Chevy engines because ice cream vendors say so."

Makes no sense. I was merely trying to correct your original fallacy. But you ran a completely different direction with it. Not sure why, but it seemed to stem from emotion.

People with technical expertise have explained to you in no uncertain terms that this rumor has no merit. 

You're basically attempting to level the playing field, despite lacking the credentials to do so. Their analysis has more weight than yours (the layman). What is so difficult to grasp about this?

You're like someone screaming to a biologist about how evolution is bullshit, while knowing nothing about biology. Doesn't make much sense, my friend. Find solace in reality with the rest of us where we don't inject hopes and dreams into arguments because that simply has no impact.

I'm curious, what fallacy do you think I committed since you failed to cite one?

Apologies, my good sir. It appears I may have made some rash assumptions when I began discussing this with you.

I tend to assume that, when having a discussion with someone on the internet, they meet the minimum requirements of bodily function and have at least basic reading comprehension. If that's not the case, I'll gladly indulge you and point out your fallacy once again. I bolded it above, since you missed it. It is one I see you have repeated multiple times and it is the premise of my comment that spawned this entire tangent.

"Forum Experts already debunked it."

People with technical expertise have explained to you in no uncertain terms that this rumor has no merit.

You see, no one on this thread has done what you keep claiming. Also, the fact that you assume they have high credentials is laughable. While a very very select few (myself included) may have higher than average computer hardware credentials, the majority of thread posters contributing to your claims were not technically advanced and did not offer any credible support for or against the rumors. I assure you I am far from a layman when it comes to these topics, but I assume you are a layman (I believe you even admitted such, yourself), given that you do not ever offer arguments yourself, you simply claim that the arguments of others have already done the work. In hind-sight, I can see why you keep making this false assumption now, since you are a self-proclaimed layman in terms of advanced computer technology.

There have been some posters in this thread that have provided evidence to support the rumor in some regard, and some posters have provided evidence against. I don't think anyone in this thread expects the rumor to have any chance of being accurate, verbatim, as that would be crazy. No one on this thread has been able to adequately confirm or deny the rumor outright. This is what you keep missing, and thus yields your fallacy that "it has no merit or has already been debunked."

If you truly believe in your claim, please feel free to provide any cogent evidence of it. As currently all we have are your unfounded claims and an appearance of a falsely attributed superiority complex bordering on the hyperbolically asinine.

You up for a bet Nightsurge??? I bet there is no DGPU or 2nd GPU in the X1!

Take the bet if your so sure there is? Otherwise stop the nonsense!

Ashadian said:

You up for a bet Nightsurge??? I bet there is no DGPU or 2nd GPU in the X1!

Take the bet if your so sure there is? Otherwise stop the nonsense!

Why would I ever take that bet? Where on earth did you get the impression that I believed this rumor was true?

In fact, I'm fairly possitive I have always stated the opposite. I find it highly unlikely that anything to do with this rumor will be true. But a combination of the coincindences does make me wonder if there is something in there they haven't revealed that does help boost the performance. Hence their overly confident statements lately regarding there will be no noticeable difference in games performance between the 2 consoles.

Check this out

Yes the Clouds will give extra performance from the sky!
Devs have stated that the PS4 is more powerful than X180. But your right how would they know that? What with you being an expert and all.

Around the Network
Ashadian said:
Check this out

Yes the Clouds will give extra performance from the sky!
Devs have stated that the PS4 is more powerful than X180. But your right how would they know that? What with you being an expert and all.

Again, what are you going on about?

EDIT: Actually, thank you. I have been trying to find a response from A Penello or Major Nelson regarding this rumor.

Now that I have seen this response, I will agree the dGPU rumor can die :)

And after 35 pages, it's all over...

Pennello says no?

No it is then!

Yarp. Now we can put all of this to rest.

Ashadian said:
Check this out

Yes the Clouds will give extra performance from the sky!
Devs have stated that the PS4 is more powerful than X180. But your right how would they know that? What with you being an expert and all.

The condescending attitude helps nobody.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.