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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - [UPDATE] Xbox One Could Possibly Feature a Powerful Discrete GPU + APU rumor - New Sources and Info!

Oh - and that comment before about how if someone running a beta model Xbox one (like the guy in the YouTube video) would take that off to be analysed, I was totally serious.

Send it to Digital Foundry or someone of high repute - so they can forensically dissect it and put all of us out of our constant state of curiosity.

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JimmyDanger said:

We're not talking about sheep flying to the moon or some other impossible event - we're discussing a rumor supported by a number of sources.

We are beyond that unfortunetly, for those who know about hardware. It's more likely to put sheep in orbit at this point than mass producing a +500mm2 die stacked on two different node process. The sheep is feasible, the chip is not.

There s no multiple sources, just one guy, who makes funny hardware prospectives on a blog and who is only quoted by doubtful websites and deseperates fans on forums.

dsgrue3 said:
nightsurge said:

I was merely pointing out that no one on here is an XboxOne hardware insider so they can't possibly make claims regarding it.

Your analogy is completely misguided and a bit off putting. Especially since I was not saying that people on here were wrong to question this rumor. All I stated was a legitimate fact that no one on here has insider knowledge. You seem to have taken that to entirely different (and emotional) level.

And that claim is completely devoid of merit. As I said, in unambiguous terms and will repeat here for you to actually read this time, it is the argumentum ad ignorantium fallacy.

At the very least you could have googled it so you understand what it means. And the analogy perfectly exemplifies it for you, which is why it is "off-putting" to you. Of course it sounds ridiculous, it's a fallacy.

There are pervasive hardware principles which do not require special knowledge. Some things are possible, some are not. 

Oh dear... it seems you still do not understand the original context of my post. Embarrassing, but I'll explain it to you.

The only reason I made my claim was to directly negate your original claim of supposed "hardware experts" in this thread who had debunked the rumor already. While I later admit the PC hardware part of my post may have been overly generalized, the purpose of my post was to say that your argument had no merit to begin with.

Saying something is debunked because some forum "hardware experts" say so is not logical. Again, I'm not saying the rumor and some of it's more radical claims are even remotely true.

Your analogy is utter non-sense because no one in here is claiming anything to be a fact (other than the opposition saying the Xbox Hardware is fully known, which is wrong) with this rumor. It was completely unnecessary because I was not trying to support the rumor with my claim. I was simply showing the flaws in yours. "Forum Experts already debunked it." What credentials do the majority of these forum posters have and what kind of inside knowledge? None.

"Ford engines must not be capable of being better than Chevy engines because ice cream vendors say so."

Makes no sense. I was merely trying to correct your original fallacy. But you ran a completely different direction with it. Not sure why, but it seemed to stem from emotion.

nightsurge said:
dsgrue3 said:

And that claim is completely devoid of merit. As I said, in unambiguous terms and will repeat here for you to actually read this time, it is the argumentum ad ignorantium fallacy.

At the very least you could have googled it so you understand what it means. And the analogy perfectly exemplifies it for you, which is why it is "off-putting" to you. Of course it sounds ridiculous, it's a fallacy.

There are pervasive hardware principles which do not require special knowledge. Some things are possible, some are not. 

Oh dear... it seems you still do not understand the original context of my post. Embarrassing, but I'll explain it to you.

The only reason I made my claim was to directly negate your original claim of supposed "hardware experts" in this thread who had debunked the rumor already. While I later admit the PC hardware part of my post may have been overly generalized, the purpose of my post was to say that your argument had no merit to begin with.

Saying something is debunked because some forum "hardware experts" say so is not logical. Again, I'm not saying the rumor and some of it's more radical claims are even remotely true.

Your analogy is utter non-sense because no one in here is claiming anything to be a fact (other than the opposition saying the Xbox Hardware is fully known, which is wrong) with this rumor. It was completely unnecessary because I was not trying to support the rumor with my claim. I was simply showing the flaws in yours. "Forum Experts already debunked it." What credentials do the majority of these forum posters have and what kind of inside knowledge? None.

"Ford engines must not be capable of being better than Chevy engines because ice cream vendors say so."

Makes no sense. I was merely trying to correct your original fallacy. But you ran a completely different direction with it. Not sure why, but it seemed to stem from emotion.

People with technical expertise have explained to you in no uncertain terms that this rumor has no merit. 

You're basically attempting to level the playing field, despite lacking the credentials to do so. Their analysis has more weight than yours (the layman). What is so difficult to grasp about this?

You're like someone screaming to a biologist about how evolution is bullshit, while knowing nothing about biology. Doesn't make much sense, my friend. Find solace in reality with the rest of us where we don't inject hopes and dreams into arguments because that simply has no impact.

I'm curious, what fallacy do you think I committed since you failed to cite one?

Its a CPU/dGPU. - not a coconut, Mister Computer Engineering Doctorate Chip Designer.

And yeah - getting sheep into orbit would be infinitely easier than landing them the moon. All you'd have to do this s fling them upwards very,very,very quickly. Landing them on the moon? Not so much.

Will we ever know the truth? Someday - but until then, we have reasonable speculation.

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And I mean really, we've all put a PC together, many of us have varying levels of Computer Science or Engineering education, and many of us may work full time in computer related fields.

But really - has anyone here designed an actual chip from inception to fabrication and mass production - for Intel or Amd - and has intimate detailed knowledge of their masses of unreleased R&D technologies?

Really ? All of you. How lucky we are here at VGC to have such industry luminaries.

Honestly - this rumor is highly unlikely - but none of you should be acting so childishly - stomping your feet with your fingers in your ears screaming " No Its Im Possahbahle" -when really - you mean "I don't think it'll happen" - which is cool. I think its highly unlikely myself.

JimmyDanger said:
Its a CPU/dGPU. - not a coconut, Mister Computer Engineering Doctorate Chip Designer

Why do you insist on using false terminology in your posts? Go back to page 29 and read my post. Try to understand what I explain there. If you do not understand it, you can always ask...

JimmyDanger said:
Honestly - this rumor is highly unlikely - but none of you should be acting so childishly - stomping your feet with your fingers in your ears screaming " No Its Im Possahbahle" -when really - you mean "I don't think it'll happen" - which is cool. I think its highly unlikely myself.

You can definetly put me in the "it's not possible" list. Internet leaves traces, when the first breakdown will happen on launch week, lots of people will feel very dumb . That's a third list and by the look of it, it's gonna be huge.

Now can you quote me a single, respected hardware website, who is serious about this ? Nothing is just rumors or "something that can happen eventually" in semi conductor technology. This is a rigourous field, with very strict, well ahead road maps. I can tell you for sure that what this guy is describing, is not on any roadmap..

dsgrue3 said:
nightsurge said:

Oh dear... it seems you still do not understand the original context of my post. Embarrassing, but I'll explain it to you.

The only reason I made my claim was to directly negate your original claim of supposed "hardware experts" in this thread who had debunked the rumor already. While I later admit the PC hardware part of my post may have been overly generalized, the purpose of my post was to say that your argument had no merit to begin with.

Saying something is debunked because some forum "hardware experts" say so is not logical. Again, I'm not saying the rumor and some of it's more radical claims are even remotely true.

Your analogy is utter non-sense because no one in here is claiming anything to be a fact (other than the opposition saying the Xbox Hardware is fully known, which is wrong) with this rumor. It was completely unnecessary because I was not trying to support the rumor with my claim. I was simply showing the flaws in yours. "Forum Experts already debunked it." What credentials do the majority of these forum posters have and what kind of inside knowledge? None.

"Ford engines must not be capable of being better than Chevy engines because ice cream vendors say so."

Makes no sense. I was merely trying to correct your original fallacy. But you ran a completely different direction with it. Not sure why, but it seemed to stem from emotion.

People with technical expertise have explained to you in no uncertain terms that this rumor has no merit. 

You're basically attempting to level the playing field, despite lacking the credentials to do so. Their analysis has more weight than yours (the layman). What is so difficult to grasp about this?

You're like someone screaming to a biologist about how evolution is bullshit, while knowing nothing about biology. Doesn't make much sense, my friend. Find solace in reality with the rest of us where we don't inject hopes and dreams into arguments because that simply has no impact.

I'm curious, what fallacy do you think I committed since you failed to cite one?

Apologies, my good sir. It appears I may have made some rash assumptions when I began discussing this with you.

I tend to assume that, when having a discussion with someone on the internet, they meet the minimum requirements of bodily function and have at least basic reading comprehension. If that's not the case, I'll gladly indulge you and point out your fallacy once again. I bolded it above, since you missed it. It is one I see you have repeated multiple times and it is the premise of my comment that spawned this entire tangent.

"Forum Experts already debunked it."

People with technical expertise have explained to you in no uncertain terms that this rumor has no merit.

You see, no one on this thread has done what you keep claiming. Also, the fact that you assume they have high credentials is laughable. While a very very select few (myself included) may have higher than average computer hardware credentials, the majority of thread posters contributing to your claims were not technically advanced and did not offer any credible support for or against the rumors. I assure you I am far from a layman when it comes to these topics, but I assume you are a layman (I believe you even admitted such, yourself), given that you do not ever offer arguments yourself, you simply claim that the arguments of others have already done the work. In hind-sight, I can see why you keep making this false assumption now, since you are a self-proclaimed layman in terms of advanced computer technology.

There have been some posters in this thread that have provided evidence to support the rumor in some regard, and some posters have provided evidence against. I don't think anyone in this thread expects the rumor to have any chance of being accurate, verbatim, as that would be crazy. No one on this thread has been able to adequately confirm or deny the rumor outright. This is what you keep missing, and thus yields your fallacy that "it has no merit or has already been debunked."

If you truly believe in your claim, please feel free to provide any cogent evidence of it. As currently all we have are your unfounded claims and an appearance of a falsely attributed superiority complex bordering on the hyperbolically asinine.

dsgrue3 said:
JimmyDanger said:
Quotes don't work on my phone but it was in relation to the post directly above mine.

And no. I don't want a debate with you DsGrue. Maybe when I feel like that I'll go to the debate other users topic. I'm here to discuss valid points about these speculations. I didn't come to the "debate DsGrue thread" - I have no interest in it. And I don't believe many other members do. You're basically attacking them for disagreeing with you and it's rather rude and annoying. That is simply the point I wished to address.

Now good day to you Sir.

If you feel attacked, it is because you had a very weak argument.

That is no fault of mine and I won't censor my stridence to preserve your feelings. 

Well I am going to chime in as well and state that you have not brought anything to the thread besides saying people are dumb in believing a rumor.  The debate was on the merits of the rumor and the supporting information for or against it.  No one really needs the person to state, "You are all dumb for believe this rumor".  It does come to a point when people start to realize when a person is trolling.  That person start to attack can call posters names instead of debating the issue.  I guess if people just stop responding to you then maybe you will just go away, if not, you probably get tired at some point and still just go away.