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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - [UPDATE] Xbox One Could Possibly Feature a Powerful Discrete GPU + APU rumor - New Sources and Info!

If this author wants to be taken seriously he should find a proof reader. I refuse to believe a leaker would leak to someone with such poor grammar. It was so bad i couldnt make it past the first paragraph

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I'm ready to bet that this ain't happening.

Ex Graphics Whore.

Um... How did I make a double post like that? I haven't even been in this thread since I replied to that guy.. lol

TimCliveroller said:
I'm ready to bet that this ain't happening.

lol way to play it safe

I am very doubtful that there is a seperate GPU in there. If there were a discrete GPU in it, and if MS did not feel underpowered about the system overall, and beyond that, if the specs did not matter, they simply wouldn't boost the frequencies of their CPU and GPU package and announce it so publicly! With this,

a) They are basically giving a message that they may be a bit underpowered but they have closed the gap, so they are now competitive.

b) They show that they are out there to fight, at least in English speaking countries.

c) They guarantee some extra attention from the media for every single tiny bit of detail. They might be inconsistent but this harms them, but the BIG damage was not done at the expo, so things can only get better regardless of how inconsistent they have been, from that point on.

An example of their inconsistency...

- We are not as powerful but we have the power of the cloud...
- You don't have to be connected online at all (the cloud of the power is poof!)
- The specs don't matter, it's the games that matter (why do have the cloud then?)
- We are a giving a 10% boost for the CPU and GPU (I thought the specs didn't matter!)
- According to the rumors, there is a discrete GPU (why do we need a boost in GPU speed then?)

Now, forget everything else, but how can I possibly trust such an inconsistent, confusing, confused, and an outright liar of a company?

Playstation 5 vs XBox Series Market Share Estimates

Regional Analysis  (only MS and Sony Consoles)
Europe     => XB1 : 23-24 % vs PS4 : 76-77%
N. America => XB1 :  49-52% vs PS4 : 48-51%
Global     => XB1 :  32-34% vs PS4 : 66-68%

Sales Estimations for 8th Generation Consoles

Next Gen Consoles Impressions and Estimates

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ohhh hollup let me play conspiracy theory

sony gpu is the same pre 8gb
sony cpu is the same pre 8gb

why would they "be done" if they didn't go with 8gb?

people have said the 4gb of gddr5 trumps 8gb ddr3

could randy pitchford be the one that tipped them on the power of the upcoming xbox?

ok conspiracy theory over back to your regularly scheduled program

freedquaker said:

I am very doubtful that there is a seperate GPU in there. If there were a discrete GPU in it, and if MS did not feel underpowered about the system overall, and beyond that, if the specs did not matter, they simply wouldn't boost the frequencies of their CPU and GPU package and announce it so publicly! With this,

a) They are basically giving a message that they may be a bit underpowered but they have closed the gap, so they are now competitive.

b) They show that they are out there to fight, at least in English speaking countries.

c) They guarantee some extra attention from the media for every single tiny bit of detail. They might be inconsistent but this harms them, but the BIG damage was not done at the expo, so things can only get better regardless of how inconsistent they have been, from that point on.

An example of their inconsistency...

- We are not as powerful but we have the power of the cloud...
- You don't have to be connected online at all (the cloud of the power is poof!)
- The specs don't matter, it's the games that matter (why do have the cloud then?)
- We are a giving a 10% boost for the CPU and GPU (I thought the specs didn't matter!)
- According to the rumors, there is a discrete GPU (why do we need a boost in GPU speed then?)

Now, forget everything else, but how can I possibly trust such an inconsistent, confusing, confused, and an outright liar of a company?

devils advocate.  maybe they were countingon the cloud to do some of the grunt work but now theyre stuck with a shit sytem because all the whining.  dr3 e3 was better than dr3 gamescom.  they said they were using the cloud so they didnt get load screens etc... now without it all that far away data has to be stored

tres said:
TimCliveroller said:
I'm ready to bet that this ain't happening.

lol way to play it safe

Just hoping for this to end / stop sooner, but it looks like this stuff is multiplying.

Ex Graphics Whore.

TimCliveroller said:
tres said:
TimCliveroller said:
I'm ready to bet that this ain't happening.

lol way to play it safe

Just hoping for this to end / stop sooner, but it looks like this stuff is multiplying.

just call them jesse jacksonites.  theyre really trying to keep hope alive.  let them have their fun.  it'll be over in a few weeks

Max King of the Wild said:
Adinnieken said:
Max King of the Wild said:
It was so bad i couldnt make it past the first paragraph

Speaking of.

"I" not i and "couldn't" not couldnt, also sentences end in punctuation.  For example, "It was so bad I couldn't make it past the first paragraph."

Should we take your rationalization for not taking the rumor seriously with your comments from now on then?

Am I authoring an article trying to convince people I have anonymous sources leaking inside information to me? No. I'm not. Youre point is moot.


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