Adinnieken said:
Logically, one would assume it's a 28nm chip. I believe 23 or 22nm is the next die size being attempted anyway.
I don't know. I don't know what a dGPU does. I suppose what might be possible is to have both GPUs working on the same rendering in order to display an image quicker, possibly it could do more complex images, or it could render two images.
There are many misconceptions floating in your head that messes up what you think the XBox apu has. So for you and all readers interested, let me clarify and correct a few misconceptions (this is going to be a lengthy read):
1. Is there a dgpu in the XBox SoC?
First we have to explain what "dgpu" actually means. it is short for "Discrete Graphics Processing Unit". The key word here is "Discrete", which in plain english means that it is a gpu on its own. In a PC, it is the chip on your graphics card stuck in the pcie slot. There cannot be a dgpu in a SoC, we would call that "Two gpus in a SoC" (see 4. for more). So there is NO dgpu in the XBox One, at best there woukd be two gpus in the SoC
2. Where does the dgpu rumour come from?
This actually came from early speculations on the PS4 architecture. It was speculated that the PS4 would have a SoC with a 7760-type gpu and an additional 7760 type discrete gpu (with some unspecified connection to the SoC). These two gpus could work together in a quasi-crossfire mode. There are tests floating around with such systems and the results were unconvincing performance wise, to put it mildly. This is the reason the PS4 has only the gpu in the SoC (apart from price considerations).
The second point is the photo of the SoC area of the XBox that shows cpu and gpu labels between apu socket and the five power fets. MisterX, clueless as ever, ruled that this is a sign of apu getting its power from the "cpu label area" and dgpu getting its power the "gpu label area". In reality, this is just the conventional power supply circuit, two phases feed the cpu, three phases feed the gpu (exactly as the power requirements very obviously demand for the specified cpu and gpu. There is another smaller "feeder" component visible in the photo that is not identifiable, but we must also feed the esram..).
3. Does the XBox One apu use 3D-stacking (or whatever you want to call it)?
This rumour started from the picture you see in the first post, which shows three colored squares labeled esram, cpu and gpu graphically placed like stacked planes. Note to all: This is a graphics design choice made by the person who designs nicely readable slides, it has NOTHING to do with engineering reality. Let's do an approximate estimation of die sizes (some numbers are more or less correct, some are estimates using equivalent circuitries):
a) cpu: 2 Jaguar cores 55mm^2
b) gpu: Bonair equivalent chip (minus 2CUs, minus video circuitry, plus more address/data buses) 160mm'2
c) 32mbyte esram: 100mm'2 (estimated from known Intel/IBM cell sizes, +/- some fudging, we don't know who designed it really)
d) Audio circuitry, 4dma controlers: 30mm^2 (from analog sources offering similar stuff)
e) Don't know stuff: 30mm^2
That gives us roughly 375mm^2 of die surface, which is perfectly in line with the 363mm^2 specified by MS. So this estimate fits nicely onto one layer, there is no need for stacking at all (particularly since the price of your SoC would explode with stacking).
4. Who would put two gpus into a SoC?
Short answer: Only a braindead engineer. There is not a single positive reason to put two gpus into one SoC, compared to putting a single, bigger gpu into it that does the job. Very particularly when the gpu can do gpgpu. Having two distinct gpus in a SoC would be an engineering nightmare, as every problem you have with one gpu connecting to the outside world would simply be doubled. No need for further discussion, simply a nightmarish thought for a console.
5. Would MS do 4. , anyway, just to beat Sony?
Back in February, when Sony basically opened the seals on the PS4 innards (big mistake in my opinion, should have waited longer), MS realised they were badly beaten in the gpu department. Could MS have changed the SoC design at that late stage? Did they have better/other designs in the back-up drawer? It is possible, although it would cost a f*ckton of money to ellbow themselves into the chip factories with an unannounced design change on short notice. They spent 100mio on a piece of plastic, so who knows what happened after february..?