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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - [UPDATE] Xbox One Could Possibly Feature a Powerful Discrete GPU + APU rumor - New Sources and Info!

LivingMetal said:
pbroy said:
I think Xbox One's super fat heat sink allows MS to keep bumping clock speeds even after launch. THAT is it's hidden power, not some other GPU. Right now, MS has it clocked at a speed that is balanced. They can keep testing and pushing it's clock after release and the heat sink gives it the ability to handle it. That's why the box is so big, to give it room to grow in itself. The PS4 will have problems doing the same thing, due to not having such a robust cooling system at launch. They have less room to grow.

So the Xbox One casing is very hollow?  Usually when there is a hardware redesign, the components get smaller and more efficient.  Not the other way around.

No, the heat sink is fat as fuck with a fat fan on top. Fat heat sink with fat fan take out a lot of heat. It's overkill. Why go overkill on cooling? Maybe to allow for upclocking? Of course they will start shrinking the hardware later on, but that is later on. Once a standard is finalized and fine tuned, then they will start shrinking. If fat fuck heat sink wasn't needed, so be it. Start shrinking. The point is, it was designed beyond it's standard operating conditions. If they put a small heatsink that was just enough to handle  1.6Ghz, then they would have been screwed already and not have been able to get 1.7Ghz.


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This is complete nonsense.  Microsoft already stated that they're selling the Xbox One at a slight profit or at the worst breaking even.  This is a $600 GPU.  By itself it's more expensive than the entire console.  It's nonsense.

pbroy said:
LivingMetal said:
pbroy said:
I think Xbox One's super fat heat sink allows MS to keep bumping clock speeds even after launch. THAT is it's hidden power, not some other GPU. Right now, MS has it clocked at a speed that is balanced. They can keep testing and pushing it's clock after release and the heat sink gives it the ability to handle it. That's why the box is so big, to give it room to grow in itself. The PS4 will have problems doing the same thing, due to not having such a robust cooling system at launch. They have less room to grow.

So the Xbox One casing is very hollow?  Usually when there is a hardware redesign, the components get smaller and more efficient.  Not the other way around.

No, the heat sink is fat as fuck with a fat fan on top. Fat heat sink with fat fan take out a lot of heat. It's overkill. Why go overkill on cooling? Maybe to allow for upclocking? Of course they will start shrinking the hardware later on, but that is later on. Once a standard is finalized and fine tuned, then they will start shrinking. If fat fuck heat sink wasn't needed, so be it. Start shrinking. The point is, it was designed beyond it's standard operating conditions. If they put a small heatsink that was just enough to handle  1.6Ghz, then they would have been screwed already and not have been able to get 1.7Ghz.

Except that the benefit you get from overclocking is hardly a 1:1 ratio.  It's much lower.  They'll never be able to make their GPU more powerful than the one in the PS4.  Ever.  It would catch fire before it could push out that many TFlops.  So while the size of their console is questionable, and I really question the purpose of making it so large even with overclocking, their parts will never touch the power of the PS4.  The dGPU nonsense is flat out nonsense.  They didn't put a $600 GPU in the XBox One.  Even pretending for a second that it's a viable possibility is just hilarious.  eSRAM runs really hot and DDR3 runs much hotter than GDDR5.  The PS4 is smaller because it can be smaller.  It emits considerably less heat than the Xbox One even though it has more powerful hardware.  Besides, Sony is a hardware company and Microsoft is a software company.  Sony is going to be better at making the hardware, and Microsoft will be better at making the OS.  It's just one of the many differences between the companies and consoles.


dsgrue3 said:
ironmanDX said:
dsgrue3 said:
ironmanDX said:

Who cares if he believes or not! The numbers on the front pages are estimates... The site we're on is based on estimates. Sure, there is obviously a lot more to it than that but dude. It really seems like you're just not wanting this to be true. Please, go away and let us speculate on a rumour in peace. You've made more posts in this thread than pretty much everyone, if not everyone...


Lol, amusing. A layman getting upset by someone with actual technical prowess sharing his thoughts.

Do you go to Burger King and speculate about quantum physics with the employees so you can live in ignorance?

A layman? Have you read my previous posts? I'm fine with them having their opinion I'm just sick of being bashed over the head with it. If I'm a layman trying to get my point across to someone who knows better,  what's with you in the nfl/xbox one thread? MS are missing the target audience? Laughable. At least I'm debating against another forum user, compared to MS and the minds that drive marketing, you're the layman and now... A hypocrite.


I bet you don't talk down to people like that in real life mate.

Struck a nerve did I?

I'm a layman in terms of hardware too, no need to get upset about it. It's okay to be a layman. Just don't pretend to understand things you don't. 

No, my argument in that thread was they don't understand the audience, they are targetting the wrong people...a rather small subsection of the actual audience. Well I can't exactly debate MS can I? Nothing hypocritical about it.

This is real life mate. The medium isn't face to face, but I can assure you I'd be saying the same things in that regard.

Struck a nerve? Do you even read? I have a problem with being bashed in the head.. I've already typed the response. Go back and read it.


So you don't believe you're being hypocritical? You're speaking out against a company that has made billions of dollars this year alone and will continue to do so. They know what they're talking about and what they're doing. You don't. You're a random dude on the interwebs. I'd think that their marketing strategy is anything better you could ever dream up on your best day. Don't try to understand something you don't.

I also never pretended to understand anything. I said "speculate". Again, please, go back and read or better, leave the thread.



Vylsith said:

This is complete nonsense.  Microsoft already stated that they're selling the Xbox One at a slight profit or at the worst breaking even.  This is a $600 GPU.  By itself it's more expensive than the entire console.  It's nonsense.

Is that $600 retail?


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Vylsith said:

Except that the benefit you get from overclocking is hardly a 1:1 ratio.  It's much lower.  They'll never be able to make their GPU more powerful than the one in the PS4.  Ever.  It would catch fire before it could push out that many TFlops.

With CPU's, that's true, due to the serialised nature of the processors, graphics cards, provided they don't run into any other bottlenecks from the likes of Memory bandwidth and such... Can actually achieve almost linear increases in performance.
For example, you would be surprised how many people have taken a Radeon 7770 and overclocked it to 1.2ghz, giving it a theoretical 1.53 Teraflops, the MSI's with the voltage adjustments do surprisingly well.
No fires, smoke or anything.

Still doesn't touch a PS4's GPU however, but it does close the gap to the point where it's really no big deal. - Not that Microsoft would *ever* push for those kinds of clocks, they didn't over-engineer the Xbox One's cooling and power delivery THAT much.

Vylsith said:

eSRAM runs really hot and DDR3 runs much hotter than GDDR5.

DDR3 in general actually uses less power than GDDR5.
However, GDDR5 would use less power at the same clockspeed.

Also keep in mind GDDR5 requires a much more complex memory controller than what the very mature and in comparison... Simple DDR3 would require, which would add to cost, heat and power consumption, how much? No idea, but nVidia and AMD put allot of effort (And die space) into their GPU memory controllers.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

I've been reading over the research those guys over at that misterxmedia blog have been doing and I gotta say there's some pretty damn convincing evidence pointing toward this being true. Of course I'm not nearly as tech savvy as those guys, but I understand the gist of it.

Would be awesome if true. We'll find out soon enough I suppose.

Angelus said:
I've been reading over the research those guys over at that misterxmedia blog have been doing and I gotta say there's some pretty damn convincing evidence pointing toward this being true. Of course I'm not nearly as tech savvy as those guys, but I understand the gist of it.

Yes, please, please, please give us a few links to those "experts".
Everybody, and I mean really everybody who knows a little or more about chip design is laughing at this mistertroll...

I just heard the ps4 actually has quad SLI, and will be 200% more powerfull then the x1....................Since no one has actually seen the inside of the box.

Yes electronics get smaller, but look at any high end PC and you will see the size of the CPU heatsync.  Its not small, and definitly not small enough to fit insite the PS4.  CPU's and GPU's make a lot of heat when they are being pushed, having a solid cooling solutioin is essential to long term stability and provides the oppportunity for higher clock speeds.  Take the cell phone for example, my HTC one gets like an oven when it is playing any type of game or media app.   Try to OC the CPU and see how long it lasts for.We have seen what a poor cooling solution can do: Xbox 360 as for eSDRAM running hotter than GDDR5, please provide some factual evidence vs. your opinion V