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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - [UPDATE] Xbox One Could Possibly Feature a Powerful Discrete GPU + APU rumor - New Sources and Info!

toadslayer72 said:

Ok so here is a quote from Albert Penello taken from Gaf, for those who want to believe que up some X-Files music and peep the bolded.


Performance: I’m not dismissing raw performance. I’m stating – as I have stated from the beginning – that the performance delta between the two platforms is not as great as the raw numbers lead the average consumer to believe. There are things about our system architecture not fully understood, and there are things about theirs as well, that bring the two systems into balance. 

I was about to post that on this thread as well. Thank you!

Again, proves ethomaz wrong when he was claiming that "all of ms specs are already revealed" blah blah blah.

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*"(Sony's) doing things in their hardware to make it best that they can. We're doing things to our hardware to make it the best that we can. I don't believe the difference between these systems will be as significant as comparing individual components. How is it that a 400 HP Porsche can be faster than a 700 HP Corvette?" -- Overall it's balance and trade offs and it'll come down to the games.



Agree about the Balance but Sony is doing it too with better specs. and talking about games....mmmm SONY as far a we seen this gen beat MS in that area so is up to MS to get better in that area this gen.

Source: GAF

Originally Posted by Albert Penello 

Performance: I’m not dismissing raw performance. I’m stating – as I have stated from the beginning – that the performance delta between the two platforms is not as great as the raw numbers lead the average consumer to believe. There are things about our system architecture not fully understood, and there are things about theirs as well, that bring the two systems into balance. 

People DO understand that Microsoft has some of the smartest graphics programmers IN THE WORLD. We CREATED DirectX, the standard API’s that everyone programs against. So while people laude Sony for their HW skills, do you really think we don’t know how to build a system optimized for maximizing graphics for programmers? Seriously? There is no way we’re giving up a 30%+ advantage to Sony. And ANYONE who has seen both systems running could say there are great looking games on both systems. If there was really huge performance difference – it would be obvious. 

I get a ton of hate for saying this – but it’s been the same EVERY generation. Sony claims more power, they did it with Cell, they did it with Emotion Engine, and they are doing it again. And, in the end, games on our system looked the same or better. 

I’m not saying they haven’t built a good system – I’m merely saying that anyone who wants to die on their sword over this 30%+ power advantage are going to be fighting an uphill battle over the next 10 years…


This Guy really really do his PR work XD

Sorry 4 my english

dsgrue3 said:
ironmanDX said:

Who cares if he believes or not! The numbers on the front pages are estimates... The site we're on is based on estimates. Sure, there is obviously a lot more to it than that but dude. It really seems like you're just not wanting this to be true. Please, go away and let us speculate on a rumour in peace. You've made more posts in this thread than pretty much everyone, if not everyone...


Lol, amusing. A layman getting upset by someone with actual technical prowess sharing his thoughts.

Do you go to Burger King and speculate about quantum physics with the employees so you can live in ignorance?

A layman? Have you read my previous posts? I'm fine with them having their opinion I'm just sick of being bashed over the head with it. If I'm a layman trying to get my point across to someone who knows better,  what's with you in the nfl/xbox one thread? MS are missing the target audience? Laughable. At least I'm debating against another forum user, compared to MS and the minds that drive marketing, you're the layman and now... A hypocrite.


I bet you don't talk down to people like that in real life mate.

nightsurge said:
toadslayer72 said:

Ok so here is a quote from Albert Penello taken from Gaf, for those who want to believe que up some X-Files music and peep the bolded.


Performance: I’m not dismissing raw performance. I’m stating – as I have stated from the beginning – that the performance delta between the two platforms is not as great as the raw numbers lead the average consumer to believe. There are things about our system architecture not fully understood, and there are things about theirs as well, that bring the two systems into balance. 

I was about to post that on this thread as well. Thank you!

Again, proves ethomaz wrong when he was claiming that "all of ms specs are already revealed" blah blah blah.

Yes there was some secret sauce that MS kept hidden. It will be revealed on the 29th. Also don't forget the infinite power of the cloud too. I still don't understand why MS with da 3x the power of the X180 from da clouds would need to bump up the GPU and CPU clock speeds? Are the mighty clouds not enough?

Has the X180 passed the FCC yet?

I think Xbox One's super fat heat sink allows MS to keep bumping clock speeds even after launch. THAT is it's hidden power, not some other GPU. Right now, MS has it clocked at a speed that is balanced. They can keep testing and pushing it's clock after release and the heat sink gives it the ability to handle it. That's why the box is so big, to give it room to grow in itself. The PS4 will have problems doing the same thing, due to not having such a robust cooling system at launch. They have less room to grow.


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Ashadian said:
nightsurge said:

I was about to post that on this thread as well. Thank you!

Again, proves ethomaz wrong when he was claiming that "all of ms specs are already revealed" blah blah blah.

Yes there was some secret sauce that MS kept hidden. It will be revealed on the 29th. Also don't forget the infinite power of the cloud too. I still don't understand why MS with da 3x the power of the X180 from da clouds would need to bump up the GPU and CPU clock speeds? Are the mighty clouds not enough?

Has the X180 passed the FCC yet?

Nice joke post :)

Adinnieken said:

In general, you lack the evidence to backup or support your opinion.

I saw the same suspects posting that it was impossible for the xbox eSRAM bandwidth bump to happen and that MS was lying, that MS was having silicon yield issues and had to downclock it. Then all of these proved the opposite. While I have serious doubts about this rumour, I'm willing to entertain it, but I'm fairly tired of the same people flooding every single xbox discussion.

toadslayer72 said:

Ok so here is a quote from Albert Penello taken from Gaf, for those who want to believe que up some X-Files music and peep the bolded.


Performance: I’m not dismissing raw performance. I’m stating – as I have stated from the beginning – that the performance delta between the two platforms is not as great as the raw numbers lead the average consumer to believe. There are things about our system architecture not fully understood, and there are things about theirs as well, that bring the two systems into balance. 

OMG PS4 has 3 GPU's????

pbroy said:
I think Xbox One's super fat heat sink allows MS to keep bumping clock speeds even after launch. THAT is it's hidden power, not some other GPU. Right now, MS has it clocked at a speed that is balanced. They can keep testing and pushing it's clock after release and the heat sink gives it the ability to handle it. That's why the box is so big, to give it room to grow in itself. The PS4 will have problems doing the same thing, due to not having such a robust cooling system at launch. They have less room to grow.

It's not exactly the way it works.

Heat doesn't increase at a linear rate with clockspeed, it does however with voltages (Sometimes becoming exponential.)

The Xbox One received short of a 10% boost in CPU clock and short of 7% in the GPU clock. That's not going to bring with it any measurable increases in heat and thus required cooling.
Every APU/CPU/GPU that I have ever overclocked over the last several decades has allowed me to increase clocks by that margin (Or more) without touching on the voltages at all. :)

Besides, both Microsoft and Sony would over engineer their power delivery and cooling systems anyway, making it a non-issue for either party.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

riderz13371 said:
toadslayer72 said:

Ok so here is a quote from Albert Penello taken from Gaf, for those who want to believe que up some X-Files music and peep the bolded.


Performance: I’m not dismissing raw performance. I’m stating – as I have stated from the beginning – that the performance delta between the two platforms is not as great as the raw numbers lead the average consumer to believe. There are things about our system architecture not fully understood, and there are things about theirs as well, that bring the two systems into balance. 

OMG PS4 has 3 GPU's????

Go start a thread.

I LOVE paying for Xbox Live! I also love that my love for it pisses off so many people.