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Forums - Gaming Discussion - X1 Vs PS4: has the battle turned around ?


has the battle turned around ?

No, PS4 still has more traction 547 77.37%
Maybe, things seem different 70 9.90%
Yes, X1 is starting to pull ahead 89 12.59%
iamdeath said:

Nope, Ps4 pre-orders actually increased the gap.. Why do people put so much meaning behind launch titles? They have little bearing on a console success over the long haul, and many we have no idea how good ore bad they are...


Sony launching not a year behind and not 200 bucks more expensive, with sony's brand power and first party is too much to over come. People have been underestimating just how strong the PS brand is, it's quite hilarious. MS will be fine, but Sony will be first.


Pre-orders do mean something, when the ps4 can be almost 2:1 in Xbox strongest country it is telling......It is the ONLY real facts we have right now. Demand is stronger for the PS4.

The pre-order data we sort of know is for US, and to me if Sony can achieve parity there no doubt they have the first 18 months locked up.  The pre-order data in Europe would be very interesting and Japan would be curious as well (when ever they announce dates for them).

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I agree that x1 has a much better line up than ps4 for the first my opinion.

FiliusDei said:
I agree that x1 has a much better line up than ps4 for the first my opinion.

That's a massive stretch, especially considering sony has quite a bit more to announce. Even without the unannounced naughty dog and other studio's games it's pretty even.

Dark_Feanor said:
The battle for the ultra hardcore is lost for Microsoft. They tried their best but the internet, most gafers, distroided any chance of recovery.

However, there are many others battles to be fight.

The semi-harcore.
The casual.
The familie.
The competive player.
The social player.

Well, neither ps4 nor xbone started the fight on these, we will have to wait launch for semi hardcore and 1 year for the others.(probably)

No I made my account a few days ago before this thread was even up, not in response to anything. I don't dislike XBOX One (or the games it will offer) but lately we are seeing XBOX fans posting opinion columns  with the OBVIOUS intent of trying to change public perception of their system.  If Sony has doubled XBOX preorders in the US alone how will things look in Europe and Japan?  How is this battle being turned around?  There is no real objectivity here these rants are just becoming one can predict the future but right now its obvious where things are at between X1 & PS4. One company is picking up the soap for the other...sorry it's true.

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PigPen said:
Seriously, that is a question that I can't answer. The Xbox One looks way more attractive then it did at E3, but that's not saying much. The Internet will try to make you think the PS4 has the momentum but they are niche compared to the world. So when I look at it that way, I can't give you a positive answer.

Why did you say a completely different thing one page before, do you have multiple personalities?

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

I think MS are doing well at changing the perception of the X1, they are now creating some momentum that is for sure. Instead of the shambles that MS were in for a while they now have a new direction and they are pursuing that course very well and they will get better. I still think however that Sony are in too strong a position and with their plan being clear and almost unchanged from the start they have been able to maintain such consistent momentum that it is not possible to catch them, they are however now having a glance in the rear view mirror.

I already paid for a PS4, but I am definitely interested in Titanfall. It looks badass.

More and better games.
Better bundles. More values in the bundle might I say.
MS has the upper hand...

eFKac said:
PigPen said:
Seriously, that is a question that I can't answer. The Xbox One looks way more attractive then it did at E3, but that's not saying much. The Internet will try to make you think the PS4 has the momentum but they are niche compared to the world. So when I look at it that way, I can't give you a positive answer.

Why did you say a completely different thing one page before, do you have multiple personalities?

I was letting the kid fanboy-ism get its 3 - minute fame before I act my age.