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Forums - Gaming Discussion - X1 Vs PS4: has the battle turned around ?


has the battle turned around ?

No, PS4 still has more traction 547 77.37%
Maybe, things seem different 70 9.90%
Yes, X1 is starting to pull ahead 89 12.59%

The Xbox One is slowly recovering, I agree with that part. As I've said all along, it's not going to be a blow-out by any stretch of the imagination. When all is said and done, I don't think Microsoft lost all that many core fans of the Xbox brand. At most, it lost a fair amount of those on the fence, but as said many times before, it's a marathon, not a sprint.

Microsoft's problem right now is that Sony hasn't screwed up yet. There is nothing to pounce on or take advantage of, as opposed to what happened early in the PS3's life cycle. Still, I don't think they'll be all that far behind in the first year and anything can happen after that.

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kowenicki said:
dsgrue3 said:
Pre-orders disagree.

Before people say pre-orders are meaningless to longevity, I agree. I'm simply using the data we have available.

Dont the pre-orders numbers we do have say that the One will have a much better start than the 360?

But yes pre-order numbers are meaningless, even more so when we dont have official numbers from one of the manufacturers.

The OP doesn't ask about the battle between Xbone and 360 though. He asks about the battle between Xbone and PS4.

OT. No and it is far from it. The 180 that MS made though certainly gives the Xbone a good chance of succeding, even if it means, it will never achieve PS4 numbers. Before it I wasn't sure it would find a place in the gaming market in any meaningful way at all.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

kowenicki said:
dsgrue3 said:
Pre-orders disagree.

Before people say pre-orders are meaningless to longevity, I agree. I'm simply using the data we have available.

Dont the pre-orders numbers we do have say that the One will have a much better start than the 360?

But yes pre-order numbers are meaningless, even more so when we dont have official numbers from one of the manufacturers.

No idea. I addressed the topic, which is X1 vs PS4. Not sure what 360 has to do with anything. 

Yes. It has made a complete 360.

Of course the battle has turned around. MS really changed everything to the right way after their terrible xbox one reveal. I am quite sure that the xbox one is on the right track to be a success now.

Sure the PS4 still will sell better than the Xbox one mainly because the PS4 will be cheaper the price point is important for many especially more casual gamer but this is not that importat as long as Xbox one will regardless get good enaugh sales to be a success and I am sure after all the good changes it will sell good and be a success.

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Seriously, that is a question that I can't answer. The Xbox One looks way more attractive then it did at E3, but that's not saying much. The Internet will try to make you think the PS4 has the momentum but they are niche compared to the world. So when I look at it that way, I can't give you a positive answer.

Both consoles are great in my book, I'm just a little biased towards Xbox, although I try to stay in the middle as much as I can.

Nope, Ps4 pre-orders actually increased the gap.. Why do people put so much meaning behind launch titles? They have little bearing on a console success over the long haul, and many we have no idea how good ore bad they are...


Sony launching not a year behind and not 200 bucks more expensive, with sony's brand power and first party is too much to over come. People have been underestimating just how strong the PS brand is, it's quite hilarious. MS will be fine, but Sony will be first.


Pre-orders do mean something, when the ps4 can be almost 2:1 in Xbox strongest country it is telling......It is the ONLY real facts we have right now. Demand is stronger for the PS4.

Right now in the three major regions

1. EU: Seems like Sony has significant advantage here, my guess for first 18 months? Roughly 2:1
2. NA: Sony has slight advantage, but Xbox has marketing and brand there, 18 months? Roughly 1:1
3. JP: Sony barely has to do anything here and will utterly dominate, 18 months? Roughly 10:1

kowenicki said:
The Xbox one will perform better than the Xbox 360.

Thats progress isnt it?

I think the Xbone will hit about the same numbers as the 360 again. It hasn't got the 1 year lead this time, still has a bad image to many consumers (far be it much better than previously) and isn't going against a console that launched with basically bugger all in the games department.