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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Guitar Rising: Guitar Hero with Real Guitar

Now this is what I've been waiting for. Hopefully somebody will make something for my Roland drums that doesn't require soldering!


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I see only a little white square?

Please edit and fix, I'm curious.

thats just sad, why dont you just go and learn how to play a real guitar - oh hang on


Just do what Conan O'Brian loves to do, play your real guitar over people playing the game.

cool i should use my new chet atkins CE for that... gonna be sweet

Xbox360 and Ps3 owner

I spit in your mouth at nite



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Platform? This is very likely a system seller for me =P

To Each Man, Responsibility

I thought up this exact concept like a year ago. Glad to see someone else, with the power to make it happen, did the same.


Ditto to Sqrl.

This is pure brilliance.

yeah... might as well play this over guitar hero.

i envision the day where a game exists for each and every instrument on earth!

yeah... and then i can put up clips on youtube of me playing uber-expert level of some keyboard hero game, lol.

the Wii is an epidemic.

cow bell hero confirmed lol

Xbox360 and Ps3 owner

I spit in your mouth at nite