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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Edge's 10 best consoles of the last 20 years

I think the PS3 surpassed the Xbox in quality at the end of it's lifecycle. Ranking the PS3 that far below a system that shares almost all the same games, but has far less exclusives, is odd to me.

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the-pi-guy said:
brendude13 said:
PS1 > PS2

Gamecube > N64

Xbox > Xbox 360

Come at me.

Pfft,  PS2 was backwards compatible though which means that PS2 > PS1, because PS2 = PS1 + PS2.


PS1 > PS2 - PS1

Pretty shitty list

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

edge is extreemely biased towards microsoft products so


leo-j said:
edge is extreemely biased towards microsoft products so

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How is 360 so much further than 360 when they have almost identical libraries...clearly biased. 

pezus said:
KingdomHeartsFan said:

How is 360 so much further than 360 when they have almost identical libraries...clearly biased. 

Almost?? They are exactly alike!

Lol meant to say 360 so much further than PS3.

The list is what it is. Gamecube shouldn't be on it for sure.

1. Dreamcast
2. 360
3. PSone
4. PS2
5. Xbox
6. GBA
7. PS3
8. NDS
9. N64
10. Saturn

10. Dreamcast
9. Vita.
8. Wii
7. PSP
6. DS lite
5. GameCube
4. Nintendo 64
3. PlayStation
2. PlayStation 3
1. PlayStation 2

(Fixed =D)

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.