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Forums - General Discussion - twesterm didn't get the joke

The source and roadkillers are online now PM them

Edit: never mind

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sent :)

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



pichu_pichu said:
The source and roadkillers are online now PM them

 Actually no. Neither of those mods are meant to deal with other mods moderation decisions and they probably wouldn't be too happy if they kept on getting pmed about them =\ PM stof or Bk like I said.

Weezy's talking about ssj12, duh.

I pm'ed twesterm, thanks for the help guys. I didnt knwo what to do.

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So, wait, let me get this straight. Let me get this straight:

You make a joke thread complaining about worthless threads, which is a worthless thread but at least moderately fair.

You THEN make an even more worthless thread whining of the results your first worthless thread, which was being treated as such. There is no longer even the *Dry nasely geeky voice* irony of the first thread. He may not of got the joke, and you certainly didn't learn any lessons. What a world, what a world.

Please note I edited this because I swore enough times to make an old sailor proud and an old lady faint.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.

isnt making another account grounds for being banned?



What if Twest came back on and was like

"ohhh now I get it"


I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



I sent him a link so I hope he does read it and get it.

@ AoA

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!

