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Forums - Gaming Discussion - EA: "We don't deliver offline experiences any more" (Along with F2P options for every major EA Franchise)

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Good, this will move me further away from their games.


"Moore said free-to-play options will be coming to every major EA franchise in the time ahead."

Kurdistan, Palestina and Vaticano to be the unlocked teams at the beginning in Fifa. Pay $10 per Barcelona/Man U//Bayern/(Insert Champions League team here) player.

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At this point, there is one EA franchise I care about (Mass Effect) and judging by their actions we could be down to 0 pretty soon.

Dead Space 3 sold a combined 1.27 on PS3 and 360, that is less than Dead Space 2 on PS3 alone. This should have been a sign that not every game needs online-components.

I thought they recently confirmed The Sims 4 was going to have offline play?

I'm looking forward to Dragon Age: Inquisition more than any other game but this makes me really nervous. Some games just are not meant to be "connected". Hopefully it won't go past their stupid little facebook game from DA2, which I played the absolute bare minimum to get a couple of DA2 trinkets.

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bananaking21 said:
i love it when a suit tells me what i want and dont want


What is everyone complaining about? I think you're taking his words out of context. Online experience doesn't always mean multi-player.

Any bets on EA winning the worst company award 3 years running?

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"

This cannot be repeated often enough; fuck you, EA, fuck you.

BasilZero said:
hollabackenny said:
What is everyone complaining about? I think you're taking his words out of context. Online experience doesn't always mean multi-player.

I think the main reason why people are upset is cause it means they'll be connected more to Origin (and thus would need to be always online) rather than just play from one press of a button like in the old days.

I dont think MP would piss off anyone especially since most of EA's games still have Single player campaigns/options.

I just saw the guy comparing Dead Space 3 to 2 (when they both have multiplayer) and figured things go over some peoples heads. 
Origin argument makes more sense. I never notice it, I just click yes a bunch when I first get a game and play if it'll shut EA up so they can say I'm one more person "using" origin.