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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Hot Chips: Xbone Silicon (5b transistors, 363mm2, 8GB Flash, 1.31TFlops, 204GB/s peak BW)

MB1025 said:
ethomaz said:

The quote I made was not that... this one is about the PS4 onion bus lol

My understanding of hUMA is it both gives coherency to CPU/GPU acess of shared memory pool but also removes software defined partition to the memory space so both gpu and cpu can access all portions of the shared main memory space.

Onion looks to offer the GPU acess to information in the CPU l2 cache, which I misstated, but that doesnt seem to me what hUMA does.


What I posted before this was a direct response your post got on GAF. So how does it not have to dow ith each other. What I posted above was another clarification from the same poster. You nor I have any idea what this is yet you are just posting things from GAF without clarification and then trying to play off that. Then  you tell people they are wrong because your post you posted from GAF says oher wise.

Yea something like that.....

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JEMC said:
ethomaz said:
endimion said:
I wouldn't be proud to be quoted on the GAF... it's like a troll Vs orc fest over there... with a bunch of pseudo insider that must be nothing more than the janitor or the guy that must debug code like a chinese shoe maker....

Proud? I just posted that because the guy saw SATA 2 before me lol and it is true.

And what's the problem with SATA 2? Neither the HDD nor the BD drive are fast enough to max that connection.

Not entirely accurate.
Burst speeds would benefit. :)

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:
JEMC said:
ethomaz said:
endimion said:
I wouldn't be proud to be quoted on the GAF... it's like a troll Vs orc fest over there... with a bunch of pseudo insider that must be nothing more than the janitor or the guy that must debug code like a chinese shoe maker....

Proud? I just posted that because the guy saw SATA 2 before me lol and it is true.

And what's the problem with SATA 2? Neither the HDD nor the BD drive are fast enough to max that connection.

Not entirely accurate.
Burst speeds would benefit. :)

Ah, thanks.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

oni-link said:
Zappykins said:
oni-link said:

so how much more powerful will this be compared to  my X360S?  Is it going to be like a Xbox to X360 level leap; or like a DC to Xbox jump?  Also how does this compare with the Wii U? 

Ok, pulling this out of some of the referance numbers here, so subject to change, but roughly the stand alone Xbox One is ten+ times more powerful than the Xbox 360 with 16 times as much RAM.

Now if you add the cloud,  in these numbers, doubles. 

So, it looks like about 4 times more powerful than a WiiU.

  Wow 10x more powerful than my X360S that is CRAZY!!! Are you sure it's that much more powerful?  Well I guess to make up for the law of diminishing returns they would have to be at least that much to make a diffrence.  The console version Bulletstorm and Castlevania on X360 already look great I can't wait to see what the system can do as none of the launch games for PS4 and even XB1 shows anything more than a slight boost in terms of visuals.

while you might not notice it... especially through trailers that have been filmed by amators or due to sompression or whatnot.... technically we have seen stuff that is vastly better than anything last gen... the level of detail, the number of polygone in those details and all the refinement... like the multi layer paint on forza... the skin detai of charaters with the number of moving parts on a face, the shadows etc already blows away what last gen was able to do... now it might not be directly noticeable especially on short videos... but it's there... you have more details better physics and vastly bigger streaming worlds with tones of shit happening on screen in it a t 1080p all the way and between 30 and 60 solid FPS so yeah it is better... but I see what you are saying it is not obvious to the eye so far...

I found some of the design choices in the xbone quite strange, however i am impressed with how they have structured the memory to help compensate for the DDR3 bottleneck. So the 32mb ram will do read and write processes at high speeds. Its just getting the data over to it. DDR3 is not slow, it just cant read+write in a single cycle. Will be interesting to see how this memory can handle multiple variables, or more to the point, how developers are going to handle the different memory pools.

Nintendo should take notes. M$ has improved on their design in every way possible by the looks of this.

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

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Serious_frusting said:

I found some of the design choices in the xbone quite strange, however i am impressed with how they have structured the memory to help compensate for the DDR3 bottleneck. So the 32mb ram will do read and write processes at high speeds. Its just getting the data over to it. DDR3 is not slow, it just cant read+write in a single cycle. Will be interesting to see how this memory can handle multiple variables, or more to the point, how developers are going to handle the different memory pools.

Nintendo should take notes. M$ has improved on their design in every way possible by the looks of this.

I agree...especially regarding the low bandwith DDR3 RAM that they chose.  I mean couldn't they have at least chosen to use one equivalent to the bandwith of the 360.  But for what Nintendo needs the Wii U will be fine as their exclusives will look just fine.  For multi-plats I have already chosen the XB-1 as I just don't buy into the hype the Sony crowd (both media and fanboys) are preaching.

DestructorGT said:
So is that 47 mb cache a good or a bad thing?

Nothing.  It is there.  I gaurruntee that includes the 32MB of ESRAM.   

Well this has been an interesting and somewhat informative thread.

Nice to get some extra info on the co-processors on the X1. This is sounding quite expensive for MS.

Shinobi-san said:
Machiavellian said:

There is nothing spin about that part.  Memory is always calculated as a total of its read and write capabilities if it can be performed at the same time.  Since this was stated at the hot chips event, I am sure MS would have been called out on it.  So peak performance of the ESram is 200GB/s 

The 3.2TF was the combined GPU and CPU together.  The 1.8TF is just the GPU alone.  I have not attempted to do the calculations but most times its a system total calculations that is measured instead of just the GPU.  Anyway, who cares, all of this was an interesting fun read.

Apologies i was wrong. 204 is indeed the correct number. I was getting confused between that and the 270 number that was going around in other threads! Which basically someone went and added the bandwidth of the ESRAM and DDR3 ram. Which is incorrect.

As far as I know the PS4 CPU does not even have 1TF of compute performance? Was this not confirmed to be ~200GFlops?

200GFlops for the PS4 CPU?! Isn't that a bit much considering both consoles are using low powered Jaguar cores. If this table is anything to go by:

then even an overclocked Core i7 is only capable of just over 100GFlops. I doubt the Jaguar chips are going to do anywhere close to an i7 in terms of floating point calculations, even with 8 true cores.

Looks good! Now I'm waiting for Sony specs, that I'm more interested in, because XBOne's APU contains quite a good amount of MS' own design, and it will surely remain reserved to XBOne and possibly other MS HW products, while Sony's one should be closer to what we'll be able to find in PCs or to buy to build them.
Anyway, AMD will be quite busy with MS and Sony until this Xmas, and maybe only big PC manufacturers like HP, Dell, Asus, etc will initially be able to get the new top-end APUs in the versions not customised for MS and Sony, so I guess I'll have to wait until next year.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW!