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Serious_frusting said:

I found some of the design choices in the xbone quite strange, however i am impressed with how they have structured the memory to help compensate for the DDR3 bottleneck. So the 32mb ram will do read and write processes at high speeds. Its just getting the data over to it. DDR3 is not slow, it just cant read+write in a single cycle. Will be interesting to see how this memory can handle multiple variables, or more to the point, how developers are going to handle the different memory pools.

Nintendo should take notes. M$ has improved on their design in every way possible by the looks of this.

I agree...especially regarding the low bandwith DDR3 RAM that they chose.  I mean couldn't they have at least chosen to use one equivalent to the bandwith of the 360.  But for what Nintendo needs the Wii U will be fine as their exclusives will look just fine.  For multi-plats I have already chosen the XB-1 as I just don't buy into the hype the Sony crowd (both media and fanboys) are preaching.