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Forums - Sony Discussion - Lost planet Demo

I rented the game on 360. I took it back after two days because it sucked so much. I would not buy it on the PS3 because the game failed on the 360. If nobody wants to play a game on one system then it is so bad that nobody will want to play it on another system.

Ignorant comments like this without any proof or facts must make you very popular with your friends.  Lost Planet sold well over a million was a hit and a great game on Xbox 360. 

And this is not a B+ shooter...anyone that played games in the late 80's and early 90's will reckognize what they were trying to do.  And they succeded greatly in bringing that gameplay to 3D...we see similar game mechanics in DMC4 and the upcoming Bionic comando.

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I rented the game on 360. I took it back after two days because it sucked so much. I would not buy it on the PS3 because the game failed on the 360. If nobody wants to play a game on one system then it is so bad that nobody will want to play it on another system.

Um... Lost Planet actually did quite well on 360...


EDIT: Beaten by disolitude 

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

I haven't been able to get into a single game. It either says failed to connect or that the room was full when there was definetely only one person in there >:(

Platinums: Red Dead Redemption, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Terminator Salvation, Uncharted 1, inFamous Second Son, Rocket League

Griffin said:

I just played the demo, it is a online demo just like the 360 one. I played one match and came in first and now when ever i try to join a game it won't connect or it says the room is full on every game, i then went and hosted one and no one joined it. I think the capcom severs hate me now.

You move really slow in it, it also seems alot slower then the 360 version, and it looks alot worse from what i remember but that was when it first came out on XBL. So i could be wrong.

 Not just you, it happened to me too. I didnt even get to play at all.

Metalcore, Hardcore, Punk, Emo, Rock.

Yup, I haven't been able to get in to a game yet. Definitly not buying this game.


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Haven't tried, but it seems like they would have been better off without a demo at all.

Did sony took out Lost planet demo from PSN? I can't find it on US PSN...

Warhawk kills the game.

@skipo - I wouldnt be shocked as the demo wasnt allowing people to join matches without trying 30 times. capcom = trash

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Amazing discussion about being wrong
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it sucks! I didn't have the chance to download it, damn work!! thanks for the info ssj

The version was buggy, which is why it was almost impossible to get in a game (had same problem) so they took it down. Sony plans to put a smoother version up later: